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Single girl, 28, from the OH area.
very busty and curvy blonde. Have a great sense of humor and love to laugh---can be very sexy if the setting is right...Very attractive... Want to indulge my sexual fantasies with either a single man or a couple. Can be bi with the right woman!! Don't have any good pictures as of yet---waiting for a partner to take some!! Do have some G rated ones I can send so you can at least get an idea. Would like to meet first to see if there is any attraction. Being friends would be nice, too. Must see a facial picture before meeting.

fuck. A person who can help me explore this unknown world. Someone who is sensitive but not bashful.Let me know!

Nice guy with fun and energetic personality.

22 year old Couple located in Waynesburg OH.
I am 23 yr old who knows exactly where I am going in life. I want a man who knows where he wants to go in life....
down, on me preferably. Send me an e-mail with a pic so we can hook up Waynesburg sex dating. Someone who likes to be on the move...travelling or just going to sporting events. Someone who isn't afraid to socialize but also enjoys quiet evenings at home. Someone who can carry on a conversation. I'm not into high maintenance guys.

I would love to meet, a really good friend.

Sexy local female, 33, from the US OH.
i like dancing and singing i'm a freshman in college...i go 2 BYU i'm not interested in any of the things listed below..i'm more interested in cyber sex OH sexy singles. Sensitive...kind...he has 2 know a certain language if he ever wants 2 b really close 2 me...ask me what in a chat room...and that's pretty much it...

not a lot of body hair, not psycho.

26 year old Couple located in OH area.
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Does it matter?

Sexy local female, 29, who lives near Waynesburg Ohio state.
Hello, I am a 30 something BBW that has just hit her peak. I am searching for a sophisicated generous man to spend quality time with. I am college educated and very discreet. I have recently returned to school for a graduate degree but that doesn't mean that I don't know how to have a good time. If you are searching for some no strings attached fun. girlfriend for the evening, then I am your girl. Willing to travel to make fantasies come true OH sexy singles. Will enjoy fufilling his fantasies with this beck and call girl. Someone to fulfill my intellectual pursuits, willing to talk about art, music, politics or whatever the mood brings up. A man that can appreciate the curves of a real woman and one with a breast fetish is always appreciated. I know that you are out there...I am here waiting.

am a lady out here in newyork.

Lonely woman, 29, living in Waynesburg.
I am looking for a man or 2 with a big cock...long and thick. Ummmmmm...!!! I want to see what it feels like to love suck on one and be fucked by the other. Have you ever thought what it might be like to be part of a three way like this? The thought of it drives me wild with desire...makes me wet. I am highly sexual...I can only imagine the thrill of having a cock to hold in each hand, or one in my mouth and the other sawing in and out of me. I cum at the very thought of it.
Waynesburg sex dating. I prefer men who are intelligent, outgoing, well-mannered, sensually spontaneous, with a great sense of humor and incredible kissers. I am not interested in men who are extremely thin or extremely overweight. I really do prefer men who are confident, but not arrogant. The ideal situation for meeting gentlemen is over dinner or drinks and then if all the chemistry is there, we would move on to a more private environment. Although I am bi and enjoy encounters with married couples, I am looking more for single males at this time.

hey Guys.

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