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Single girl, 27, from the OH area.
I am a 37 y/o, BBW with blonde hair and green eyes. I am adventurous, sincere, romantic, honest, and a one-man woman. I am looking for someone to have fun with. Someone who is fun, sincere, romantic, likes to camp, play pool, fish, boating, cuddling, and who enjoys humor. I am a laid back person who takes things in stride. My friends say that I am outrageous, funny, articulate, sincere, honest, outgoing, funloving person who gets the party going. If you aren't afraid of a fun loving BBW, send me an email OH sexy singles. A honest, sincere, romantic guy who isn't into head games and is D/D free. A man that loves the outdoors, likes trying NEW things in and out of bed and isn't into more than one woman at a time. I am a one-man woman and expect the man I am inimate with to be a one women man. Not looking for marriage, just some fun loving sex with a sexy, goodlooking guy.

he should be tall atleast 6.

25 year old Couple located in Harlem springs OH.
I want a man with whom I can have a short term fling with (one night stand). I have all these pent up urges that I need to let out. Im sexy, Sweet, petite, and daring. If you're a d/d free man, and interested in my ad, please write Harlem springs sex dating.

I am looking for a real gentleman.

Sexy local female, 30, from the US OH.
I am an outgoing person who wants to have some fun. I like to be outside and to be adventurous. I am a spontaneous person, but yet like to have SOME things planned out! I like giving massages, and we all know what massages lead to. Which might I say, I love doing. My number one past time is haveing sex; either with myself or someone else, if you get my drift. So talk to me Harlem springs sex dating.

I want someone for me and only me.

20 year old Couple located in OH area.
I am a college student. I don't have time for all the messy things that come along with relationships, but I love the sex. I am a pretty laid back person who is generally very open to new things . I just want some good sex. I don't really have a certain 'type', I have been attracted to all different shapes and sizes.

I have never been with a woman, but I think women are very sexy and I would love to give it a try.

Must be honest and career oriented.

Sexy local female, 27, who lives near Harlem springs Ohio state.
I am hot, tan, slim sexy ass
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no strings just fun unless i feel oherwise

Must be honest and career oriented.

Lonely woman, 24, living in Harlem springs.
Hello my name is Autums. I am a 22 yr. old red head that has alot of energy and spunk. I along with other people find me very attractive. I have a four year deree in business. Although i am now an X-exotic dancer. I love animals and my hobbies include alot of outdoor activities. At 18 I married and now have a gorgeous 3 yr. old son name Zachery. Now holdingh a healtrh friendship w my x- husband of 2 years, a great friendship. I am currently looking for a friend or a friend w/ benifits who i can be totally comfortable around fuck. Someone who is very handsome and smart. But very carefree with the knowledge and idea of what the word responsibility and priorities mean.

Perhaps you think you're not that good looking?

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