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Sexy Hanoverton singles, OH area. Looking for sex dating in Hanoverton, Ohio!

Information center for couples and singles interested in the alternative l in Hanoverton. Local sexdating.

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Couples looking for sex partners and other swinging couples! - We have singles, couples and sex dating looking for many different kinds of relationships and .
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Sexy local female, 22, who lives near Hanoverton Ohio state.
Someone who is laid back, passionate, loyal, witty, streetsmart, likes being who HE is, ....Humor.... LOL. Simple living,,,,, enjoying life one day at a time. Looking for a good heart man to enjoy time with.... Looking for friendship now, maybe more later...I am D/D free... And clean........ NOT INTERESTED IN THREESOMES OR ORGIES. Ohio sex. Looking for a man that is trustworthy, charming, witty, No headgames or liars...Must be very clean and d/d free, need papers. Willing to experience new things and to share new things with me...Looking for a friendship now, maybe more later... I'm not races......


Lonely woman, 22, living in Hanoverton.
well..im short and sweet and just cute as hell..(so im told)im very independant and i have 2 kids that r my life.i know what i want and how to get it ..if i could just find it..thats the hard part.im looking for something serious here so no games wanted.and please have a pic that u can send me if there's not 1 on your profile Ohio sex. um...let's see here..someone who is honest,faithful,goodlookin and a great kisser.someone who likes to display affection no matter where we r.dirty talk is a fav. of mine also.im tired of being single so he's gotta be ready for something serious.

I am seeking a caucasian gentleman in his 50's.

Single girl, 34, from the OH area.
I am a 39 year old female, married 12 years, two kids ages 3 & 11. I like playin games online, playin with my kids, chattin.
I also enjoy some sports if i can play, baseball, baskeball and nascar racing if they would let me, lol. But since i lost my privledges i dont think its gonna happen, lol. Just had my first 4some a few weeks ago, was so wild cant wait to do it again . My perfect match, well i married him, so for the rest for play love sharing fun with couples if interested let me know.


31 year old Couple located in Hanoverton OH.
I am a Top that has years of learning from the bottom from over the USA and now earned this right to be on Top. I like strict protocol when training, meeting or playing with chosen subs/slaves...or why whatever I choose to call you. With a lifelong interest in D/s, I play in a safe but raw way. Send an rational introduction and lets see if you are the person for Me.
I am very private and about this part of My life and any play partner must expect this or you will not have another chance to serve Me.
Also I am fun, enjoy most things from riding a Harley to watching DVDs at home.
. Hmmm, the ideal person would be to Me someone who can have an intelligent conversation and still isn'y aftraid to cuss when needed. Can hold their own in any social circle, be proud of who they are and ..ahem listen to Me at night.

My ideal match would be a nice body, any race.

Sexy local female, 26, from the US OH.
i am a light brown skinned african american looking for my prince charming. i am short, sweet, thick and sexy.i am well proportioned and thick in all the right places . someone who is very honest, passionate and very very romantic and knows what he wants and not afraid to get it.

You shouldn't want a girlfriend.

24 year old Couple located in OH area.
I can say i get along with guys more than singles, i just relate to you guys better...now im not saying i dont have girl friends but they tend to have mood swings all the time. My best freind does and it drives me up the wall, Im not a hard ass if that what your thinking. I have my moments too, You just need to know how to control them.i want to be liked as well as you do so treat me well and you and i will do the same. Ohio sex. I like guys who can stand on there own 2 feet... Cant handle guys who show off on the FRIST DATE just to win me over, Really just looking for someone who can watch moives on the couch while we laugh at each others jokes even if there not funny!
IM BASEBALL FAN,,, I like to go to sports bars and watch the games, Also i enjoy playing pool its all about angles.
alright anough about me if your interested i like to hear from you..
plz, NO games so if that sounds like you then you know the X click on it.....

A freind with benefits.

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