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Single girl, 28, from the OH area.
I don't really know what to put here,but I'm a sweet,shy girl who loves music.Always up for trying new things.Very open minded and easygoing Ohio sex. A guy who is sweet and shy but still has a wild side.open minded and easygoing.like some of the same things as I do.

Tall, handsome or hott.

31 year old Couple located in Haskins OH.
I am a single woman that is lonely. Its been a while for me, but when I am having sex, I really get into it... I miss it a lot and I guess that’s why I'm here now..

OH sexy singles. I’m looking for a man who can help me with my sexuality. I’m very sexual, but it has been a while. I’m looking for a no strings attached, just straight sex type of relationship. Can u do this. Let me know what’s UP!! Bye

Some one who like's to have fun.

Sexy local female, 29, from the US OH.
Hi. I just moved recently and am a part-time cocktail waitress. I've been having fun so far, but life could be so much more with some hard-core sex involved. I'm happily single, but would like to find someone for a casual, "call when you want it" type of relationship. I haven't been active since I've been here, so my sex drive is just about out of control! Sad but true. To help myself I've been masturbating daily and playing with some of my "toys" to fulfill my desires. If you're interested send me a message letting me know about you.

. i have a strong desire, need for an "over the knee" spanking. that is just the first part. i'm also into role playing and humiliation

I like people who are comfortable with me.

26 year old Couple located in OH area.
I know I have....

Hello there. Glad you could stop and read this profile. I am a single woman, 5'6', slender build, strawberryblonde who is looking for an adventure. I dont want it all, just all the time. I am jovial sort with a hippie mentality. Love to laugh and not take life too seriously. If you want a great time with a decent human being, just respond....Until then... let me leave you with one of my favorite quotes...' You can learn more about a person in an hours play than in a year of conversation...' Plato . I am looking for a no strings attached, just for fun, don't read anything into it realtionship. Just fun for funs sake. Thanks for looking, feel free to contact me.

I'm kind of picky.

Sexy local female, 29, who lives near Haskins Ohio state.
Sexy, pretty, curvy BF with BIG tits and clit. I will start by saying, I'm not looking for a husband or anything serious. I just want to find a nice intellegent, professional, clean guy to have some fun with. I take honor in my GOOD GIRL image...you would like to see that other side behind close door, I bet. I'm not into groups or girls. I'm strickly dickly and believe you me, I make sure that I'm stroking, sucking, fucking, jerking, and grinding it just right to make sure that it is satisfied. I have a great personality and an evn better sense of humor. So lets have some fun Ohio sex. A freind with benefits...nothing more. I would like to meet someone with whom I can have both a stimulating intellectual conversation with as well as some safe erotic passion. I'm open to race, either married or single and 34-55 yr old men. I like to be $poiled, wined, dined and taken shopping The better you treat me, you will see a eqaul or greater reaction. I love neatly trimmed or shaved balls... that makes my pussy wet and when it gets that way, it flows like a river.

i like goth boys and people with a personality.

Lonely woman, 28, living in Haskins.
I am a down to earth chic and I am lookin for friends or whatever happens. I am a people person. I am also very outgoing. I love to party and get tore up! Haskins sex dating. Someone who is sweet and understanding but loves to take control in the bedroom. I need someone I can talk to and be honest with. You also have to like kids.

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