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21 year old Couple located in Covington OH.
Fun loving, small, cheat heavy, cute, good natured, non-judgmental, slut, needs to make men cum that don'thave sex very often, while straight hubby watches. I love to be treated like a fuck toy, very little foreplay but screwed hard and fast. Making guys cum gets me off. Hubby loves to fuck me after I've been good&used, lucky me. [He will not participate mostly just watches and makes sure I'm not being hurt.] I like being called a slut, whore, bitch and all kinds of dirty talk Covington sex dating. Men that think sex is fun when it's nasty, but that understand's that just because we fuck they don't own me, and knows I love my life and hubby, and that I don't need to be rescued from my evil life I lead. I really just love cock. So if you think your too fat, too thin, too short, too tall, too old, no hair, but if you have a nice smile, good attitude, don't mind being watched and you need to treat a cute girl like the cute slut she is, cum e-mail me. I just don't like those movie star looking all full of them self guys that think if they screw ya they did you a big favor, then make fun of a girl behind her back because of her needs, TO HELL WITH THAT! I love to be nasty,I loveto feel the weight of a large overweight man on top of me knowing he is enjoying himself. I want to be gangbanged. Shy guys we can do one on one [except for hubby]. Not being camra shy is a plus, but tell us your likes and dislikes because your feeling's are important!

I took care of my husband until his final day.

Sexy local female, 34, from the US OH.
I have long blond hair set off by blue eyes...I take pride in my appearance and I love to wear sexy dresses along with 6 inch heels. I like garder belts, nylons, bras and G-strings from Victoria Secret..Oh Yes..the teddys and the nighties make me so very wet..I love the xxx rated movies with a glass of wine
Covington sex dating. A generous fun loving older gentlemen who still loves to explore the sexual side of life..He should be patient, kind and considerate in all he does along these lines

I'll be direct and honest.

30 year old Couple located in OH area.
i am a 34 yr old, brown hair, brown eyes, 5'2" i am looking for someone to have a good time with and just relax and be theirselves. someone to talk to and share things with as well as the good times OH sexy singles. someone who can laugh with my warped humor and i at theirs...someone to just spend time with and see what happens...hopefully something will come out of the dating scene ;)

A bi female.

Sexy local female, 26, who lives near Covington Ohio state.
im single mother and am wanting long term relationship .ALL I NEED IS LOVE , LUV IS ALL I NEED ( the beatles ) IM a carring giving woman and now that my children are all about raised Im ready to live again and become the woman I have alwys known I can be . I want a honest , carring and loving man, He must be good on my eyes but more than ever good for my soul OH sexy singles. my Ideal match would be a man that would love to be pampered and also wold want to treat me like the true woman that i am ,

Someone open, HONEST, discreet.

Lonely woman, 23, living in Covington.

i like big guys but i'm open to almost anything.

Single girl, 26, from the OH area.
I love to have all kinds of fun. I love to explore and I am great at pleasing a man in his many desires. I am attractve, work out, and have a great sense of humor. I love to make my man smile and will do what he wishes to make him happy fuck. Attractive somewhat fit fun dedicated loves to please a woman kind of guy. One who has a high stamina and loves to be very attentive to a womans needs.

I'm looking for females and couples.

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