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Single girl, 30, from the OH area.
Stumbled across this site and thought I would give it a try. I am a single bisexual woman seeking fun with others. When I say others, I seek: men, women and couples. I have been to many swing parties and clubs, so I know my way around all the good spots...I mean that in more than one way, hehehehehe. Seriously now, I hope to find people here in and around my area that is serious about getting together for fun and friendship. I am not seeking a long term boyfriend at this time. I am open to most anything you can want, as I do like to try new things. I hope to hear from you soon, so drop me a message. A way to contact you would be great as well. Your addy would help greatly in saving time and could get us contacting each other faster . I seek people that are open minded about things, seeks a person likie myself who can be friends as well as lovers. Just seeking to fun and excitement that I know is out there.

Someone intelligent, honest, and openminded.

22 year old Couple located in Eastlake OH.
I was born and raised in San Diego. I am a twin. I like to cuddle, go to the beach, give massages, hang out with friends, work out, go to the clubs and dance. I love to play pool Ohio sex. I am looking for a man that will respect me for who i am. who will give me my independence, as well as be a trusting companion. he has too be an animal lover and enjoy quite nights at home with just.

At least 5'10.

Sexy local female, 33, from the US OH.
im just looking to meet someone who is fun and likes to just be themselves and let me be myself and i am a laid back girl with a sense of humor so im told and i do have a child not looking to get into anything deep right off i am just looking for a few ppl who arent of the everyday norm u know fuck. my ideal match is someone i can be myself around and even beable to just goof off or play video games with who knows what wwill happen

Must be in good clean health, and free of drugs.

20 year old Couple located in OH area.
This always is weird it sounds like I am trying to self my self but hey why not try.( not to self my self for all those sick people) I have a boy and love him and would love to make friends and I would love a bi girl on the side fuck. Any one to tell you the truth. Like I said before I like to make friends and who knows from there. Just a remeder I do have a boy friend so I am not looking for a sexual male relationship but a female one is fine.

First, I like white guys.

Sexy local female, 25, who lives near Eastlake Ohio state.
hi im from kalamazoo mich im 26 i like to have fun bowl go to movies hang out cuddle on the couch swim camp go to the races in the summer go for walk in the park im fun to be with im honest sweet kind i dont belive in cheating on a guy im a one man person im looking for guy who honst sweet kind with me who like to have good time hang out . a ideal match is a guy who like to go to dinner and talk and get to know each other cuddle by a fire place

I like men from the ages of 25-45 'only.

Lonely woman, 33, living in Eastlake.
19 f from igh mn looking to chat with some people -- explore my options ya know lookin to have some fun . funny respectful fun cute not too picky i like to take one dy at a time. loves to just do spur of the moment things

I AM 5'9 123 LBS.

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