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Single girl, 21, from the OH area.
I am a very happy and outgoing person. I love skiing and hiking in the mountains. I am very romantic and enjoy spending lots of time with people that I care about. I like sports, music, cinema and traveling but also houselife. I also love the water and the beach. I am interested in emailing first and if that goes well, friendship. I want to hear all about you…email soon fuck. I am seeking someone who has a great sense of humor, well educated, family oriented and speaks grammatically correct. Someone who likes to have fun; be somewhat spontaneous yet grounded at the same time. Also, I am seeking someone with ambition, whom is driven to achieve their goals. I prefer someone who likes dogs- since I have one!

A fun loving spirt, with out going over board.

23 year old Couple located in Lakeside marblehead OH.
I'm a single girl, looking to get back into the swing of things. I enjoy going out with friends, staying in, dancing, singing, and of course sex (why else would I be here) . You are creative, spiritual, intelligent and you love to try new things in life. You enjoy finding a balance with the many things you enjoy

Get a picture or be gone!

Sexy local female, 30, from the US OH.
Im 24 years old and have been married for 3 years. Looking to have some descreet fun with no strings attached. I would prefer someone who is also married. If you can keep a secret then so can I. If your are lonely/bored then Im your gal! The rest you can see in the pic. :) OH sexy singles. Someone who wants to have some fun on the side but isnt looking for a relationship. Someone who knows that there is more to a woman then her looks. NO DRUGS! (Smoking is okay)

Someone (male/female) whom is looking for fun.

22 year old Couple located in OH area.
I like to write and read erotic emails. I am shy till you get to know me so be patient. I have a sense of humor and an adventourous spirit. I want old fashioned romance, shivers down my spine, that first kiss all over again. I want a man that knows how to please a woman without being told, a man that can look deep into my eyes and know exactly what I want Lakeside marblehead sex dating. This is strictly an online/email relationship, no demands and no expectations. I like a sense of humor, an adventourous spirit, gentle but manly, a protector, a man who knows who he is and what he wants but is sensitive to my feelings and wants. A romantic man who likes to read erotic/romantic stories and flirt.

I like tall guys.

Sexy local female, 21, who lives near Lakeside marblehead Ohio state.
Me... all about me. There really is so very much to me, it'll take you years to figure me out ;D. The basics... Laughter is one of my favorite things in the world. If you do not have a good sense of humor, keep right on movin'. Loving, caring and generous. Playful, very intelligent and employed full time. A daughter, sister and mother of one. Honest to a fault, happy with my life, not looking to complicate it any further. As for a physical description: Multi-racial, 5'6' and very voluptuous with long curly hair . Ideal match: (preferably)tall, funny, sweet, honest, loving, extremely intelligent, bla bla bla... If you are not a great catch, move along ;D!!!

an outgoing person who likes to party :).

Lonely woman, 34, living in Lakeside marblehead.
I am just a hot and very horny woman who needs some tender loving care. and that extra sex that I am not getting enough of at home OH sexy singles. I am looking for 2 or more guys to help me fulfill my ultimate fantasy of a threesome or moresome. I definately am looking for a possible dp.

I am looking for someone who is honest and open.

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