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25 year old Couple located in Hockingport OH.
What would you like to do if you could just free you imagination and it would happen? What is your fantasy? Do you have more than one fantasy? Have any been fulfilled?

I am easy going, wanting, willing and waiting to be stimulated by your engaging conversation, intellect and imagination. My imagination is vivid and enjoys a healthy life. It is most responsive to a deft turn of phrase. :)

Let's explore! (Begin at the beginning or Begin the Beguine)

Explore with me and what shall we find?

Some gentlemen have complained that women on here are into head games. Or is it caution? What is a head game anyway? Define head game? Is it a head game or is it your insecurity Ohio sex. You are imaginative, intelligent, and love to explore and discover. You know the mind is a terrible thing to waste. You have a body and soul that need attention. You know what you want, but you may still have some unfulfilled dreams. You are an explorer in every sense of the word.

Good conversation, good sense of humor, good wit, spirituality and intellectual pursuits are traits I value much more in a man than 'large penis or his ability to last all night.' Better a man with an average penis and above average mind, than a man with a large penis and no wit at all. :)

You are also single and unattached. If you are having problems with your spouse or partner then you need to seek a counselor. You may not have any compunctions about infidelity, but I do and will not be a party to it. Just wanted to let you know.

Furthermore you don't have any hang-ups about a woman's body type but can honestly find attractiveness in women that runs deeper than body type.

You are also secure enough in yourself that you don't feel everything a woman says or does that does not exactly jibe with your worldview to be some sort of headgame.

On a side note - what do you think of the 'Lord of the Rings' movies thus far? ;) Or do you prefer the books. Your answer matters. ;)

My mate should be 100%, true-born male.

Sexy local female, 28, from the US OH.
Hey, I'm am very excited about this, so don't let me down guys! I have a great job, great personality, and I love to have fun. I do tend to get stressed out with my work, so I am looking to meet someone that will take me out a few times, so that I can forget work for a couple of hours. I just want a short term thing, and not much more, but I will not be against it if something more comes along. I enjoy candle light dinners and wine, happy hour drinks, and everything else. Talk to ya soon Ohio sex. Must be honest and career oriented. Must be in good shape(prefer big arms and a shaved heads are some of the thinks I like prefer they don't smoke and don't have kids. I want them to know how to treat a woman and enjoy trying new things.

outgoing a lil would b nice.

20 year old Couple located in OH area.
Iam laided back, love the mountains, spontanious,and if you dont like BBW you dont know what your missing fuck. I love the rugged type,someone that can be themself,and has a little meat on them bones.Body i mean.lol

Someone that can deal with me.

Sexy local female, 31, who lives near Hockingport Ohio state.
Hmm, i don't really know what to say. I've been with guys and i like it... but im also curious with chicks and want to find a woman willing to put up with me and try and teach me stuff. I also don't know all that much into guys either... Hm,i don't really know what else to say really OH sexy singles. Don't really know... Someone who's into having fun. I'm a lil overweight so I kinda want someone who's the same so im not too selfsconcious. Again, i dont really know.

Someone unthreatening.

Lonely woman, 27, living in Hockingport.
I am a big breasted blond that enjoys having some fun. I love to play "21" in a low cut outfit, to distract the dealer . I am intersted in a man that enjoys blackjack and the casino. I am heading that way around the 30th of March...Want to go have some fun in the west with me?

A man who will be my slave.

Single girl, 27, from the OH area.
I don’t care anymore. I should, but oh well. I despise being told to open my eyes, I’m extremely happy with who I am what I've already got. Im horribly judgmental, but that's how I've always been. I hate the phone, my favorite color is BLACK, I HATE going to sleep and HATE waking up, I like HUGS more than kisses, Being over complimented SUCKS, I wear glowstick bracelets in my ears, I cant sit still for long, Call me a Slut and Ill laugh at you, I love cheap thrills, I believe you CAN help who you fall in love with and I’m in love with the most wonderful boy, I’ve been cheated on and have cheated, I like GIRLS more than I like boys, Sometimes I wish I was a BOY, I scratch at my skin till it BLEEDS, Swearing is my favorite BAD habit, I HATE being accidentally touched.

Email me if you'd like to know anything more.. Hockingport sex dating. Someone who will fuck the shit out of me. I like pain, it makes things more pleasureable, if you can make me hurt, write me back.

Loving, atractive, female, or couple(s).

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