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Sexy Malvern singles, OH area. Find sex dating in Malvern, Ohio!

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Lonely woman, 24, living in Malvern.
I'm a student, and love the snow, so I'm glad winters not far away lol! I'm pretty bored from too much work lately, need a break, so I found this site just surfin around and figured I'd throw a profile up. Mainly curious the response I'll get. Single at the moment, so hey, ya never know! Plus I'm totally open with my sexuality and I'll tell you straight out...I'm really horny! So, wouldn't mind finding some playmates to mess with.... cute girls also. I've been with one girl before, was a good time! So wouldn't mind more of the same. Just contact and we'll talk about it :) Malvern sex dating. Cute guys and girls for possible intimate times. Must be personable and disease free. Open-minded is a big plus also. No super shy people please.

I am looking for someone who is honest and open.

Single girl, 20, from the OH area.
First off I would like to say Hello. I live in Iowa, 34 yrs old, 5ft and 1/2inch, caucasian and have been married once before from 1991-1999. I have two boys ages 12 and 10. I consider myself to be honest,
supportive, affectionate, caring, intelligent, a great listener, open, kind and a good friend. I am not afraid to let my emotions show. I don't smoke or
drink. I like all sorts of inside and outside activities. I do not look at the outside of a person for it is what is on the inside that counts. I like
to collect teddy bears, things with the pepsi logo on it and angels. I love pepsi cola. I have several pets, a moluccan cockatoo named fuck. Just someone who is fun and size is not an issue. I want someone who wants to be friends. Someone who looks on the inside instead of the outside.

A fun loving spirt, with out going over board.

23 year old Couple located in Malvern OH.
im a very fun loving caring people person .i like toi love kids i have 2 boys ages 13 and 23 they are my life .i love dancing and riding on the back of a harley nothing makes nme feel better just letting the wind blow in ur face and hair no worries in the world . some1 who loves people ,likes to dance,, a good band and moonlight walks on the beack or in my case river . or just sitting under the stars and talking. it would be a big +if he had a harley ...lol... anyways later beth

Get a picture or be gone!

Sexy local female, 22, from the US OH.
Hello. I am 5-2 and 200# with shorter brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. I am just looking for some fun. Open to try almost anything once. What do you think......? I love to travel, watch racing, camping etc., or just hanging out . Ideal match? Male, for starters. :) I like black, white, mexican.... someone who likes BBW, is friendly and just likes to generally have a good time. Don't take life to seriously.

Someone (male/female) whom is looking for fun.

24 year old Couple located in OH area.
I'm a student, and love the snow, so I'm glad winters here! I'm pretty bored from too much work lately, need a break, so I found this site just surfin around and figured I'd throw a profile up. Mainly curious the response I'll get. Single at the moment, so hey, ya never know! Plus I'm totally open with my sexuality and I'll tell you straight out...I'm really horny! So, wouldn't mind finding some playmates to mess with.... cute girls also. I've been with one girl before, was a good time! So wouldn't mind more of the same. Just contact and we'll talk about it :) fuck. Cute guys and girls for possible intimate times. Must be personable and disease free. Open-minded is a big plus also. No super shy people please.

I like tall guys.

Sexy local female, 33, who lives near Malvern Ohio state.
Very energetic & VERY flexible! I'm not too tall. I love to go out. I'm very outgoing. I love spending time with new people. If you think you're the person for me....send me a naughty message to make my pussy dripping wet! ;) . Very energetic! Strong, outgoing, funny, EXPERIENCED & tall. Someone who knows how to put a smile on a girls face.

an outgoing person who likes to party :).

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