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31 year old Couple located in OH area.
Im an attractive woman seeking pleasure from all types. I like to be tied up, spanked, talked dirty to, and like to be given orders. Im also very oral and passionate. Im drug/disease free and willing to experiment. I want someone that will let me know what they are looking for out of me so that I know what I am getting into. If at all possible I would love it if you would talk dirty to me in the email Ohio sex.

Dominant, with a ton of sex appeal.

Sexy local female, 31, who lives near Loveland Ohio state.
What I'm looking for in a guy is that some one is dependable and can work on there relationships with out calling on some one else to help them out. I'm looking for some one who is outgoing and that some one that is not afraid of speaking there mine's about anything. All you can do is be blount to me about anything fuck.

my ideal match .

Lonely woman, 34, living in Loveland.
love to have fun and chill. just want my somebody to find me. hit me back with a reply so we can meet each other if you think your the one for me. ill be waiting .

have to give in once in a while.

Single girl, 31, from the OH area.
I'm an intelligent, emotionally stable, professional and attractive women - no children and not really looking for a relationship (although I'm open to the idea). I'm a lady in public, but have a private wild streak. I'd love to find a man to have fun with, while enjoying the sensual, passionate and wild OH sexy singles. I'm looking for a man who's single and discreet. I like someone with a good imagination, a good sense of fun, who is intelligent and likes to take charge. Looks matter less to me than a sexy and affectionate attitude. I like a man who knows what he wants and is honest. Men who really love women always seem to make the best lovers.

someone into sex.

26 year old Couple located in Loveland OH.
I was made homeless last month. I now live in a shelter and use this library computer. I am naturally submissive and would like to offer myself to anyone willing to give me a home. You can use me as your sex slave, I will do the washing, get groceries, clean house, anything . I am looking for a nice guy, lady, couple who will give me a home and i will give them my body. As long as you are nice, honest, and good to me and not hurt me I will be very happy with you.

Someone who is attractive and can make me laugh.

Sexy local female, 23, from the US OH.
Very outgoing,open minded,loving and not into head games! Love late night walks,cuddling on the couch,candle lite baths, movies, books and hanging out with good friends. I am not into BOARD MARRIED MEN - so do not waste my time. I am here to meet new friends with benefits Ohio sex. I am looking for others who take great pride in themselfs! no married men!! I am looking for friends with benefits. They must be easy going, fun loving people.

someone clean and who can teach me new things.

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