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23 year old Couple located in OH area.
I am a 51 year old woman who is having fun with my sexuality and am happy. I have few hangups and am willing to explore your fantasies and mine. I may be overweight, but it has never stopped me from enjoying my partners or them enjoying me. I give freely to the sexual experience and have the ability to let you be free yourself fuck. I would like to find someone who finds sex FUN. No head games or expectations beyond the moment. Someone who is willing to play is a bonus. You don't have to gorgeous or rich, just someone who can enjoy a good romp in the sack.

Honest man with a good sense of humor.

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I someone that not lazy.

Lonely woman, 29, living in Lowellville.
Attractive, fun, playful, discreet, and amazingly creative! I also love first-timers! Don't worry, I'll be gentle. And, if I'm not quite what you are looking for, I would be more than happy to recommend one of my girlfriends OH sexy singles. I like people who are fun, creative, intelligent, open-minded, and respectful. Age and ethnic background do not matter. Personality, honesty, and discretion are VERY important to me! A drop-dead gorgeous smile doesn't hurt either. ;-)

Thats a very wide range.

Single girl, 28, from the OH area.
I have suffered many heartbreaks and am tired of them. I am also tired of being neglected sexually. I have a boyfriend that I love but we have no kind of physical relationship... do not know why.. But I know what I need and I am not getting it at home. I am looking for someone that is willing to help me out, and someone that will satisfy me sexually. Must be discreet, and no strings attached.
OH sexy singles. I looking for a man or couple to get together with for some no strings attatched fun! If you are interested then drop me a line!


32 year old Couple located in Lowellville OH.
I am a single mother with a gorgeous little daughter, I enjoy having fun and spending time with my friends and my daughter. I'm not really looking for a one nighter would prefer a meaningfull relationship. If you want to know more.....message me Lowellville sex dating. He would enjoy intimate times VERY often and be fine with expermentation. He would be awfully sweet and every once in a while do things just because. He'd have to kiss very well, enough to take my breath away....Get the picture?

i already have a match.

Sexy local female, 30, from the US OH.
im divorced for 10 years have 2 great kids and work two jobs so im very busy person im 5'7 dark hair and weigh 165 pds im looking for some good times with no strings attached . somebody looking for a good time have to be dd free
im in need of somebody that is very well hung and that can please me

I have my match.

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