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Sexy Kenton singles, OH area. Find sex dating in Kenton, Ohio!

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33 year old Couple located in Kenton OH.
I'm a woman who's NOT into head games, and I'm not looking for a 'serious relationship'. I'm into having fun, I enjoy almost anything to do with being outdoors so living in the southwest is like being in paradise. I enjoy quite a few indoor activities as well..... I have an inquisitive mind, an impulsive nature, and I've been told the ol' bod is holding up pretty well. I'm not into games, strings, or weird head-trips, so if you can enjoy the company of a woman without wanting to own one......get in touch. p.s. No, this isn't a pay website come-on or any of that tiresome b.s. I'm for real....and expect the same .

Highly sucessful Doctor, Lawyer or Executive.

Sexy local female, 27, from the US OH.
I just got out of a long relationship that was really lacking sex (and good sex). So now that I am free I need a man to give me some real sex and more often. I'm not ready to jump into another relationship but just want a friend/sex partner. Are you interested? Reply back if you can give me some good lovin! Ohio sex.

i want a part time relationship, no strings.

21 year old Couple located in OH area.
I am a fairly easy person to get along with, just tired of the bs life that continues to seem to follow me where I go. I am very open, and bluntly honest. I don't play games, and I don't put up with crap. I am a very caring person, to those that deserve my time. And to those that don't.....well they will get what they deserve in due time. I'm outgoing and love the outdoors. Anywys....I just thought I would see how well this will actually work. If you want to know more message me Ohio sex. I got divorced back in November and I have not been ready for something until now. I'm looking and I want to start a relationship with someone that is deserving of me and my time. Not someone just looking for a


Sexy local female, 30, who lives near Kenton Ohio state.
Im a recent transplant to Alaska, having now been here a little over a year and now living in Anchorage. I love the great Alaskan scenery.. nature on steroids I call it.. And the wild life... oh yeah and the snow :)
I enjoy a variety of hobbies and interests, indoor and outdoor, ranging from reading and working with computers to fishing, nature walks and dancing occasionally OH sexy singles. Your confident in who you are and what you want out of life. You want a hot blooded woman to have fun, share activities and accompany you... Perhaps more? You are spontaneous, have a wide variety of interests, and your in good health. Upfront and honest.. willing to communicate and try new things. A well kept individual, who enjoys the same.. likes indoor and outdoor activities.. a variety of music and dancing.

Someone that is fun loving and easy going.

Lonely woman, 25, living in Kenton.
I'm a fun loveing girl who likes to get wild on the dance floor. I love goin out clubbin, hangin at the bars and goin to off the hook partys. I live in Anchorage, AK but I love it up here. I enjoy snowboarding and surffing, and have a wounderful job that pays very well. I'm a tall blond with blue eyes and a light tan fuck. My ideal match is someone who also enjoys the same stuff I do and is a really wild guy...maybe with a romantic side. I like athletic men and not someone who sits around on a couch. They have to be willing to do whatever to have fun. Im looking for anything from a longterm relationship to friends to friendly sex.

honesty is a must naturally.

Single girl, 26, from the OH area.
I am ready to enjoy life to the upmost. I enjoy meeting people and conversating. Very down to earth, not judgemental and easy to please and get along with. Very much bi-curious and hope to experience it one day with the right person Kenton sex dating.

I seek an upscale type not on a budget.

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