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Sexy Pandora singles, OH area. Find sex dating in Pandora, Ohio!

We've got a great crowd of open minded, swinging couples here who want in Pandora. Local sexdating.

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Before that ride I thought that swinging was something that couples did in the '60s or early '70s, and I didn't realize how many couples were doing it and .
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24 year old Couple located in Pandora OH.
im a fun loving girl that likes to get out and have a good time that want to just have fun and live life to the fullest . i want a guy that is up for a good time and is not afraid to go out on the town every now and then and have sum fun with his life

Preferably a man.

Sexy local female, 26, from the US OH.
Okay. I am a nympo. so I hope you really enjoy sex because i do and I dont want to stop.I enjoy every aspect of the word sex. All I want is sex. all the time. I want a big dick to fuck, to suck and to ride fuck. A big man with a nice size dick that can make this pussy scream for more. I really wanna hook up. NO GAMES PLEASE CAUSE THIS PUSSY CRAVES ATTENTION!!!!! Please have facial pics!!

I like guys who can stand on there own 2 feet.

20 year old Couple located in OH area.
5ft7, red hair, blue eyes...36DD, size 7 jeans anything else you want to know ask me...oh yea and i am bisexual Pandora sex dating. For females...i like girls who look like girls. I am very much a girly girl and want my match to be the same...for the guys...i like sofiticated, taller than me...someone who could pick me up with little effort, hold me against the wall, and ....well you figure out the rest.

My wants are very simple and to the point.

Sexy local female, 31, who lives near Pandora Ohio state.
I'm a very sweet, caring, honest, understanding individual. Looking for the same in a man, also a man who is serious about being involved in a long term committed relationship. Not into playing with my emotions OH sexy singles. A man who is sweet, caring, honest, understanding. who can treat me with respect, love me, care for me, be there for me and I in return do the same.

you are someone who revels in making me cum.

Lonely woman, 20, living in Pandora.
I am a very laid back, easy going woman that is getting really lonely out here by myself. My kids aren't living with me & my husband (getting divorced) is incarcerated, so I'm basically alone. I can't say I don't want a relationship, because believe me...it SUCKS by yourself.
I think in my "past-life" I was a straight hippie, because (besides my babies, mom & brother) my 3 favorite things in life are sex, drugs and rock & roll. I'm not the same without them. I don't do drugs all the time, but I do like to party. I like my 'go fast' and I love my weed!
I'm looking for a man between the ages of 21 & 38, who is nice looking (not fat) and is at least 7" in his manhood. He should also have stamina & wanna fuck ALOT. I get more & more sexual as years pass. I am also very sensual. I GOTTA HAVE FOREPLAY!!! I love to kiss & touch. There's nothing like 2 naked bodies together with not a care in the world but each other. Mmmm! I have always been attracted to the rebel type, but would love to meet someone that could be a rebel & responsible at the same time.
I am open to just straight 'no strings attatched' sex, if that's all you desire. But I'm also open to whatever. I'm warning you....I'm a bit wild. It takes quite a bit to feed my sexual appetite. Do you wanna try OH sexy singles. My ideal match would be a fine [Native American] man, between the ages of 25 and 40 with stamina and at least a 7" cock in his jeans, with [sort of long hair}], a sexy smile, an average to nice body, and a strong sexual appetite like my own. He'd have to be able to take care of me in every way, including have a job. He'd have to have similar interests, such as, I LOVE my tunes. And I love all music...if it's good. I have cds ranging from Elvis to White Zombie. I like oldies, but change with the times as well. I like to party a bit. Not all the time, usually on weekends. I don't drink much anymore. Once in awhile I do, but I like my 'go fast' and LOVE my weed. And..of course..I love sex too.
I want a youngish, sexy, well endowed, music loving, pot smoking, man(with a job) to grab me by the back of my hair & just FUCK THE SHIT RIGHT OUTTA ME!!!!! And then I want hime to take me out to dinner & fuck me some more.

Would love to meet.

Single girl, 26, from the OH area.
I truly am a genuine nice girl. Though I am now stepping out on the wild side, I insist on being treated like a lady at all times. Those that do not abide by that simple will always be dismissed . I am looking for a real man that can appreciate a woman that knows what she wants. Physically however the ideal man would be tall (6ft plus), well endowed, (that means both in length and width), orally minded single or divorced and be available to satisfy my sexual needs. He must also live in the tri-state area. Please be aware that I am looking for the ONE special partner to share some wonderful times with. In trying to find that one person I am not going to sleep with men just because they say they have the qualities above (It needs to be proven to me first) I have found out that most men on here think there are big when they really are not and I am not going to meet you just to find out that you are average or small. NOTE ALSO I LOVE MEN THAT ARE HAIRY

I looking for a gentlemen with a wild side.

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