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31 year old Couple located in Oregon OH.
I'm laid back, sarcastic and fun! I love to laugh and have a good time! I'm just as comfortable in stilettos as I am in sneakers. So going out or staying in--it doesn't always matter so long as the company is great! I have a good sense of myself and generally know what I want out of my life and have no qualms about getting out and accomplishing those things. I enjoy meeting new people and trying new things, but sometimes I may need a little convincing (though if it's something fun, not that much). I'm up for just about anything! My best friend met the love of her life through the internet...and they both persuaded me to do this ad, I dont quite know what to expect but, maybe you can surprise me Oregon sex dating. The person I am looking for should be somewhat similar to me. He should be funny, should have some goals in his life, be wild at times, conservative and smart when it comes to making a decision. Someone who is considerate and confident with an intriguing personality and admirable intellect is ideal, while being well versed and having a sense of humor are greatly appreciated attributes as well.

I'm looking for a guy to have fun with.

Sexy local female, 33, from the US OH.
5'5', 140lbs, brown hair and eyes, looking for someone to have fun on the side, travel quite a bit with job, so have chance to get away. love a good night of sex, with the right man, or men . Someone who enjoys just raw hot sex, no strings and very discreet. Hubby doesn't mind, matter of fact he would like to watch, but very small area that we live in so looking on a larger scale

Someone who is sexy.

21 year old Couple located in OH area.
HI my name is Crystal I am a 24 year old single BBW near Charleston West Virginia. I am a honest, laid back down to earth kinda girl with a great sense of humor. Shy but I also am blunt and evil when i wanna be. I love to party and have a good time, and yes sometimes things get kinda wild. If you wanna know more just write me and ask. Hope to talk to you soon . Ok here comes come the fun part. What I want is a simple sexy guy around my age. I don't need a boy or a father(HInt HInt old pervert dudes). I tend to fall for the tall sexy slim guys with a great sense of humor and an adorable personality. I want someone who can have a good time weither we are out or stayin home. But most of all I need someone to accepts me for me even with all my flaws. If you wanna talk just drop me a line. I will be waitin on youuuuuuu!:P

I am looking to make new friends.

Sexy local female, 23, who lives near Oregon Ohio state.
I'm a female looking for someone to talk to at first. I'm young, and I like to have fun. Contact me for more information . I want someone that is looking for a relationship. Someone faithful, and fun. I'm not very picky, but there are certain qualities I like,feel free to ask!

In search of an Honest, Healthy man.

Lonely woman, 33, living in Oregon.

A hot handsome man to sweep me off my feet.

Single girl, 23, from the OH area.
I am 38 yr old female, who is looking for someone to fulfill my every desire. It's been too long since I've been touched, pleased, teased, fulfilled and been able to have an enjoyable, entertaining and stimulating conversation with that person. I enjoy the outdoors, hiking, camping, boating, and NASCAR. I enjoy sunsets, romance, and pleasing my partner. I am a college graduate and am in Executive Management.

I am married, (seperated a couple of times), but together for 17 yrs.

'In the recesses of my darkened soul, I contemplate if I shall find release... From this passion that engulfs me. So intense is my growing hunger (insatiable at times), I can only wonder, wanting to know it's limits, but daring not to ask..' . I am looking for someone who is educated, mature and not into playing mind games.
I enjoy the 'getting to know you' phase. The part where you learn the likes and dislikes... from foods to passions... It can be a major turn off to immediately get a response that is full of sex talk. I want to know you inside first... then outside. If you can't handle that.... I'm sorry!

I am looking for just that.

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