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24 year old Couple located in Pomeroy OH.
I am looking for someone who will be a best friend and I can spend time with. Someone who enjoys sports and a girl who can cook. I value my family first and foremost, but I also make room for someone special. I enjoy a wide variety of things including movies, going out with friends, and sports. I consider myself fairly well rounded, and can adapt to most any situation. I'll try pretty much anything once fuck. Hopefully, I sound like your type, and hope to hear from you soon. If you have any questions or are curious, just let me know. We can email each other.

One that will.

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ok im not really a total slut, i just wanted to grab your attention, hehe! im young and enthusiastic and looking to get laid, basically. we'll keep this short and sweet. . If you have a dick and like to fuck tight pussy, write me back. throw me an email if you wantto see some hot pics.

I really don't know what my ideal match it.

21 year old Couple located in OH area.
gotta keep ahead of the game...remember I enjoy my independence, but wouldn't mind sharing my life with that special someone, lookin for a man who will consider me as a part of his life. Love intelligent conversations, picnics, soakin up the sun, travelling, visiting friends, concerts, going out, and work. Hope I hear from you all soon. raised on a farm...i know how to get my hands dirty, I hope you do fuck. want prince charming on a harley. I want a mix of Nicolas Cage meets the harley davidson man. Someone who can treat me like a woman but yet an equal.


Sexy local female, 31, who lives near Pomeroy Ohio state.
this sex positive, ever horny girl is looking for discreet, erotic encounters with men who know how to use what they have and aren't afraid of a woman who loves sex. not interested in a relationship beyond that fuck. looking for a well groomed, attractive man who is in good shape and can last. five minute men, please do not respond. small dicks do not fascinate me so tell me what you've got and what you want to do with it and we'll see what happens. discretion is a must as i am attached.


Lonely woman, 27, living in Pomeroy.
I am new to the area and am hoping to meet people to spend time and have fun with. I am pretty laid back and get along with most of the people I meet. I am really busy with my job but miss having someone to hang out with in my free time Pomeroy sex dating. I especially miss having a physical relationship. I can be pretty kinky if I'm comfortable with someone. I'll put up a pic, but just one for now. I have more if you want, I'd be willing to do any exchange.

a smart man.

Single girl, 34, from the OH area.
I originally moved here for my job (we'll get into that later) and thought a social life would follow. Normally I'm very outgoing, and very flirtatious and fun to be around, but haven't met many people yet. I'd be willing to travel or take vacations or meet up for any kind of fun . I'm pretty open right now. Open to anyone and anything, so whatever you're interested in give me a try and we'll see if we want the same things ;-)

someone with a penis!

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