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Sexy local female, 26, who lives near Portsmouth Ohio state.
I'm 5'3", I have brown hair and eyes, I like to talk, hang out with friends, go to the movies and amusement parks. I'm looking for a guy I can chill with, and show me a good time . My ideal match would be someone who can show me a good time and I want someone who I have alot in comman with maybe even end up liking him.

Someone open, HONEST, discreet.

Lonely woman, 30, living in Portsmouth.
I am a very extroverted happy go-lucky type who likes the positive side of life, but I have a very deep side as well. I am full of energy, I love to encourage those that I am around,and enjoy my profession of helping others find jobs. I have a huge smile and love to make people laugh . My match is someone relatively light hearted and someone who has a witty sense of humor. Someone who has an appreciation of sports would be ideal as well. Someonewho can go out and have a good time, as well as appreciate staying at home would be a match.

i like big guys but i'm open to almost anything.

Single girl, 32, from the OH area.
I am a white female blond hair blue eyes. i am down for almost anything. I am 19yrs old from CT. If you are also from CT and want to chill get at me . She has to be freaky and is down for anything. I like someone i can chill with and also do our thing when no one is around. I am not a lesbian i am BI curious, i have messed with girls before and i enjoy it alot. If your down and you would like to maybe meet and see how things go hit me up ladys.

I'm looking for females and couples.

29 year old Couple located in Portsmouth OH.
I'm 23 soon to be 24 (in two weeks). Right now, I'm looking for someone to chat with at first. I'm not really all that picky on who. If the connection is right, hey who knows what may or may not happen OH sexy singles. I don't think I have an 'ideal' match but someone fun to hang out with will do just fun. Just make sure you're adventurous enough!

I took care of my husband until his final day.

Sexy local female, 29, from the US OH.
I'm looking for excitement, no-strings, discreet, lots of fun and good times. I'm pretty outgoing, but this is all new to me, so i don't want to just completely dive right in. I'm more or less "testing the waters". I like men, but the women thing has always been a fantasy OH sexy singles. I guess my ideal match would be someone who is intelligent and has a good sense of humor. I like non-judgemental people, so that would be on the "list". It's hard to say what the ideal is when there also has to be some sort of chemistry and a feeling you get about a person.

I'll be direct and honest.

31 year old Couple located in OH area.
I am an easy going person looking to find a nice guy to chat with and see where it goes from there. I like to go out dancing and to clubs. I enjoy movies and eating out . Nice, respectful guy. Likes to go out but also doesn't mind hanging out at home. Someone who is easygoing and knows how to have a good time. carefree.

A bi female.

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