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Lonely woman, 34, living in Peebles.
I am a very attractive woman. I feel sexy so I feel confident. I enjoy being in the nude...not just sleeping in the nude. I would love to travel and see the whole country. I will travel and am looking for excuses to do so.
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Ok here comes come the fun part.

Single girl, 27, from the OH area.
I am a hard working single mom, who is honest, intelligent, responsible, realistic, attractive, outgoing, loyal, passionate, fun, flexable, and dedicated to raising my children in a healthy and positive family environment. I am looking for an attractive man that loves children, is honest, hard working, motivated, fun, mature, caring, funny, romantic, self confident, likes to talk, a team player, and is looking to find..... ME!! ;-) Peebles sex dating. If you are a man who values and believes in words such as truthfulness, honesty, loyalty, trustworthy, respect, love, faithfulness and communication and believe they are key ingredients to a healthy, strong and ever-lasting relationship... then please say hello.


25 year old Couple located in Peebles OH.
I am a 27 yr old, blonde hair, blue eye woman. I have 4 tattoos and regular ear piercings. I am looking for a man that will treat me right and see me for who I am, not for just a one night stand. I love doing a lot of things, like reading, cooking, and scrapbooking, of course being on the computer. I am currently taking a home-study course for Veterinary Assistant and love animals fuck. I would like my perfect match to be outgoing, confident and is not afraid to spoil the woman he is with.

someone that likes to be treated with respect.

Sexy local female, 26, from the US OH.
I am absolutely crazy fun! I am an artist and I have a degree in fashion design. I cant stay in one place for too long and I am grateful for the smallest things in life. I always say whats on my mind even if its harsh. im real.. fuck. Since it is unlikely that I will meet a whacked out pirate with a sensitive side, just someone to hang out with and talk to would be nice. I am not into drugs, especially the common herbal refreshment. I need someone with an education and a sense of humour, and ambition and motivation actively being pursued are a must. Dreadlocks and comandeered ship are nice but not necessary.

I am not looking for a certain type of person.

31 year old Couple located in OH area.
I'm an angel with horns looking for a devil with wings.
You'll melt when you hear the voice that lurks within
Melting moments free from devils sin
Spread my legs and let you in Ohio sex. I'm 5' 8" , he has to be taller than me, hair colour no preferece, eye colour no preference. Have a sense of humor, worship me ;) haha Just be himself and not tell me lies


Sexy local female, 29, who lives near Peebles Ohio state.
Hi Im 37,married with long brown hair.Looking for discreet encounters with single large black men for no strings attached sex Ohio sex. Should be African american,Large frame and very well endowed and able to perform all night long.I like dark chocolate the best

Im looking for a man that is a good listerner.

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