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Real Estate Swinging: Couples Doubling Up. sold We came across this article on couples teaming up to buy a house together. “It was a little inspired by the .
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22 year old Couple located in Hamersville OH.
i like clemson basketball and i like goin shoppin and alot of more stuff and here is what i look for in a guy a good personality,sence of humor,nice abs,good lookin,sex,knows how to treat a girl . personality,sence of humor,nice abs,good lookin,sex,knows how to treat a girl,doesn`t cheat,nice ass,likes to party,shoppin,mall,skatin,

tall dark and handsome.

Sexy local female, 34, from the US OH.
Hi- I'm a sexy, single female with a newly awakened sense of sexuality. I am quite romantic but, know how to talk dirty when the mood strikes me. I am open to many new experiences and would like to meet a like minded man to enjoy some good, not-so-clean fun. I have a vivid imagination and especially love to fantasize about discreet encounters. I travel a lot and like to make new friends wherever I go. I'd love to hear from you.

fuck. Must be over 21, attractive, prefer dark hair and eyes but not necessary, experience in spanking and bondage also a plus. If you want a response give me a pic

some one who is ready to love and to be loved.

32 year old Couple located in OH area.
I am a BBW who loves sex. I'm into being eaten out and eating others out. Oral sex is awesome. I love men and women. Come to me baby. Me and my man are looking for a woman to join us for sexual fun . My ideal match is someone who wants sex just as much as I do. Someone who is into men and women (that goes for the ladies only). Ladies, come join us. I know someone out there is interested.

Someone I can count on.

Sexy local female, 34, who lives near Hamersville Ohio state.
Thanks for stopping by. I am a passionate 60 yo widow who is looking for a companion to laugh with, have fun with and enjoy a few of the activities of life in a long term relationship. I am a romantic and caring person. I enjoy social interaction...quiet times..late night conversations... candlelight...discovering new restaurants and pubs.. appreciate some arts... and so much more. I am retired and I enjoy each day as it comes. Would love to hear from U OH sexy singles. I am looking for a n/s white romantic male who is honest and caring. A good sense of humor is a plus. Activities must include dancing, dining, sports, etc. Physical attraction is important and is my desire to stimulate all of my six senses.


Lonely woman, 27, living in Hamersville.
Recently my life has been fairly boring. I'm a College freshman. I'm very busy durring the day so what I'm looking for is just someone i can have fun with at night. Even though my vibrator can get me off, I do prefer something warmer in side of me ;) I'm open to just about anything by anyone OH sexy singles. Preferably a man. Or if you have another friend(s) thats fine too. I don't want you to be married. You need to be clean. Even though I want you to wear a condom if it doesnt look right it is not going inside of me.

Some people that is all about fun and wild sex!

Single girl, 20, from the OH area.
I want a guy that will respect me as a person, will except me for who i am not what i look like. A sweet guy, romantic,caring protective but not too protective. Can try ot get along with my friends and family will be willing to go places. can come see me whenever possible.. i myself love to laugh and like trying to get others to laugh by being silly. I love navy/army guys i like gothic/punk guys and i like cowboys or guys that wear cowboy hats. I am a good listener, i love to talk. anything else you want to know please ask . I want a guy that will respect me as a person, will except me for who i am not what i look like. A sweet guy, romantic,caring protective but not too protective. Can try ot get along with my friends and family will be willing to go places. can come see me whenever possible

Someone who would go to the moon for me.

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