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I am a sexy female with about 15 extra pounds on me i go to the gym everyday and I am starting the new me before the new year comes in. Meaning I want to experience sexually adventures within reason and I want to meet new people fuck. I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. Is there anyone who is really ideal? They always say opposite attract, but I am willing to trying anything except for rough stuff.

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34 year old Couple located in OH area.
Im easy going, anyone can get along with me, I like to try anything once and twice if its fun. I'm into music, clubbing, chillin, smoking anything that keeps me entertained for a long time, or til something better comes along. I like to sing, write, read, dance, etc. OH sexy singles. My Ideal match is someone that can relate to me, not to just understand me but feel me. Know what it is to want, know what it is to love, and know what it is to be alone. Someone to talk to because just fucking is pretty boring. Someone who respects me, not only my body but my mind. And someone who knows how to stimulate my mind, just really have be there like "oh".

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Sexy local female, 23, who lives near Tarlton Ohio state.
Hot and sweet girl looking to have a little fun with a tall, fit man who has a sense of humor. While sex is the ultimate goal, I must also be able to talk to and get along with the man I meet fuck. My ideal match must be tall, fit and has a sense of humor. He should also be intelligent and witty. I'm a sucker for blue eyed men with strong hands.

I just want some good sex.

Lonely woman, 34, living in Tarlton.
I am Helen Small. From the states of Florida, and I am 24 years of age, from the family of three, about 5.7ft of height, and body weight of about 60 kg.

Educational back ground, I attended the Miami Dade university were I obtained my BA in political science
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Someone who is very handsome and smart.

Single girl, 24, from the OH area.
I think. I am a kind of girl u will alwyas want to get married to,gentle but passionate and very faithful young and attractive.
OH sexy singles. i need a man that will adore me as the only queen in is heart a man i can always adore and cherish

Someone that is fun and exciting.

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