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Single girl, 27, from the OH area.
Looking for someone between 18-25 for some adult fun, hanging out, or just friendship. Male or female, doesn't matter. If you have a pic, please send. If not, that's ok too fuck.

someone into sex.

20 year old Couple located in Toledo OH.
There is not a half-hearted bone in my body, and I'll show you my strength long before I'll show you my vulnerability. I am a woman of contradictions: I love football (especially the Denver Broncos), and I will cheer with an intensity that may frighten the weak of heart. I've recently found a new passion, sky-diving (It is not as scary as it sounds)! I coach both my boys baseball teams. But I also love to be wined and dined, and any man in my life must be able to understand that great strength and true femininity are not mutually exclusive. I can change my own oil, tile my own floors, hang my own drywall -- but I can also flirt with the best of them and dance with abandon in a little black dress .

Someone who is attractive and can make me laugh.

Sexy local female, 20, from the US OH.
Hi there. Not sure where to start. My friend told me to check out this site... because I'm always wanting to have sex with him! He's a GREAT sexual partner.. but he's got a girlfriend now. So things are looking down for me!! I need some variety! Just looking for someone that's interested in 1 on 1 descreet sex. No relationships please. I'm not interested in a relationship. Include your real email address! Unfortunately, AFF email doesn't work often Ohio sex.

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30 year old Couple located in OH area.
I am a Professional in the Health care setting and enjoy reading, movies,Gourmet cooking and theater. Physical fullfillment is also very important to me. I am a touchy/feely type of person and love to experiment fuck.

Dominant, with a ton of sex appeal.

Sexy local female, 24, who lives near Toledo Ohio state.
HI Guys, I am an attractive woamn in my twenties. i am attached looking for a discrete encounter, with a man who is perferably tall, and has a large muscluar body frame, at least 200lbs. or more. I am ONLY interested in performing oral sex. If you are interested let me know. I am only looking for men between the ages of 18 and 32 OH sexy singles.

my ideal match .

Lonely woman, 31, living in Toledo.
I am kind of unsatisfied at this point in my life. I have been married for a few years and my husband i and I don't really have a good sex life anymore. I don't know if he is cheating or what the deal is. I try to turn him on but he always seems uninterested. Since I can't get any action from home I need to look else where and this is what I came up with. I only work part time so I have time during the week or early evening that I would like to get together with a man. I am ready to meet, I am really starting to feel desperate for something. I hope that this situation doesn't effect your descision to write me. I am really looking forward to hearing from you .

have to give in once in a while.

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