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30 year old Couple located in OH area.
I am intelligent, down to earth, love animals and can bait my own hook! I am well read, Liberal, yet shy. I am also a Scorpio with a lot of fire inside. Can you handle me Ohio sex. BIg manly man to make me feel like a woman.
Close to the Colorado Mountains. Likes variety, but not into body waste, pain, or animals.

A bi female.

Sexy local female, 25, who lives near Lake milton Ohio state.
I'm an energetic blonde... very into singles, but also into guys. Love nightlife and good dinners. Love to dance and also sit down to a quiet movie... but I also love sex and people who are very creative in bed, not just the normal missionary position...bla bla bla :P lol So that's a touch of me... we can always talk and find out more about each other :) OH sexy singles. Guys and girls with a good personality, outgoing and creative in bed... who also love to have fun and don't mind trying new things. If this sounds like you, contact and we'll see where it takes us :)

Someone open, HONEST, discreet.

Lonely woman, 33, living in Lake milton.
I hate writing in these things. and nobody is rating my pict. or profile:-( I am a small built little lady, I am open minded and optimistic. I love to have fun and experience new things! Classy and sensual are my key words. I have had a risky and intriguing past, ask me about it Ohio sex. Like I have said about my self, I am open minded so give me a try! I couldn't describe my ideal match. I'm not really doing this to find an ideal match, I'm just trying this out to see what cums up!

i like big guys but i'm open to almost anything.

Single girl, 34, from the OH area.
Why do I have to talk about me? I dont have too much to say. I'm sexual, a blast, kinky, experiemental... if you want specifics ask me . Let's talk about you! Okay... but I have some rules. I know, I know... A woman with rules... Is there anything more annoying? But I've got them, so if you're interested then you should read on... Number 1 - You have to LOVE sex and be totally into oral, bc I am. Number 2 - Confidence. Be comfortable with who you and and be able to laugh at yourself, and me! Number 3 - Take me for what I am. Accept me for what I am and I will accept you for what you are. Now that wasn't too bad was it??!!! I hope not, let's get things started then.

I'm looking for females and couples.

28 year old Couple located in Lake milton OH.
I'm a fun-loving, cock-craving, cum-guzzling whore! I adore ALL sex, preferably with groups of TALL, dominate, kinky, well-hung men!!! No holes barred, bareback preferred!!! Maybe you could invite me to help entertain at your next poker night or sports-viewing party Lake milton sex dating. Strong, adventurous, humorous, tall, dominate, well-hung, nasty, kinky, (even bi!), men that know what a slut like me NEEDS and can give it to me hard!

I took care of my husband until his final day.

Sexy local female, 22, from the US OH.
Everyone knows that there are ALOT of women here, but not enough quality women. I am one of the few QUALITY women left. I consider myself to be warm and caring. I'm honestly looking to meet somone who will appreciate a good woman. One of the most important things to me, when meeting someone new is chemistry and communication. The chemistry between two people is very, very important, I love to laugh and I have a very good sence of humor. I can be a very supportive person and I know how to appreciate a good MAN . Just looking for a man to have some fun with, maybe travel with, do some outdoor activities and whatever else may come up in the process : ).

I'll be direct and honest.

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