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Single girl, 20, from the OH area.
I am the girl next door from Atlanta Georgia, I am 5'1, 102 IBS, med blonde hair, green eyes, small petite and tight, love to dress up for social events but tight levis and a tight t and I am just as hot, secure,happy, content. full blooded Tauren...live in a small town looking for city boy. fuck. Ideal match would be David mixed with a Joe...tall dark and handsome, secure, not jealous but appreciative, strong beliefs, someone I can tell all to and visa versa, when we stand together we make each other stronger..us against the world...make each other feel like a million dollars, I will be your princess you be my king..

Nice guy with fun and energetic personality.

33 year old Couple located in Kensington OH.
I am 38 5'11 ...blue eyes and long brunette hair. This is the first time I have placed an ad .I am a little nervous . I want to find someone wild and exciting sexy and ready to try anything . I am I guess considered a BBW. I am told that I am sexy and cute. If you are interested in getting wild with a sexy woman I am the one. I love oral ..giving and recieving. I want to try new things....Bored with the same old same old. I want to tap deeper into my Kinky side .. Think you can help me ? Lets give it a try . I am a clean and discreet person. Shy to tell the truth.. But only in the begining. ;) OH sexy singles. I like a man that is willing to take charge. I like them young and sexy. Older and muture is sexy too. One thats creative and willing to try anything at least once. He must know how to treat a lady. You must turn on my mind before you can turn on my body. Lets see if you have what it akes to bring out that naughty girl in me.

I would love to meet, a really good friend.

Sexy local female, 32, from the US OH.
HA, sorry about the headline, I guss maybe it got your attention though . :) Tricky tricky! So anyway, I am a recent engineering grad just moved to alaska, CRAZY. I think I may be moving again soon, so in the mean time I can get a little crazy and have some fun....what do you say?? Ohio sex. He should be big and strong and ride a horse along the beach at night. :) No really, big and stong and how about a car, if no horse. :0 Also, kind, sincere, generous with his time and attention, and loving. I also would like for him to be fun and make me laugh, thats the biggest turn on!

not a lot of body hair, not psycho.

25 year old Couple located in OH area.
I am a black and japanese female who just recently lost her virginity on feb.21,2005. I looking for someone who is fun, outgoing experieced and willing to try new things Kensington sex dating. My ideal match would be someone who is taller than me. Someone who is independent and loves to have sex. Basically someone who is down for whatever.

Does it matter?

Sexy local female, 23, who lives near Kensington Ohio state.
I am 5'4', 112 lbs, I have long deep brown hair, soft hazel eyes , my measurements are 34 -26-31. I like to be touched all over, I like long deep kisses and most of all I like to please my lover :). I am looking for professional man (married or single) he must be powerful, controlling, and very loving. Thank you for taking the time to read this Kensington sex dating. I am looking for guys or girls who like to experiment, arent afraid to take a risk like to have fun.. I dont mind being peoples friend thats ok too.. i want people in my area Its really hard to have a secret relationship with someone in egypt. I have a guy roomate too so if any girls want a guy i can send you in his direction..I want clean no LIARS!! i dont care how cool you are or about what you have ( unless its a health issue then i would expect you to let me know if we do meet) I dont care what your religion is or how a girl told you once that you have a big penis and think that it matters to me and that i might like you more because you think you have a big area...so yeah thats that.. sorry if this sounds harsh im just trying to filter out the crowd ............ and just so we are clear if you cant type me an email and you just click one of those super annoying repetitive options you wont hear from me and your life as you know it will end a slowly repetitive death, and i will never know because i never replied to your lazy email ... soooooo have a good day and i cant wait to meet you.

am a lady out here in newyork.

Lonely woman, 28, living in Kensington.
Looking to find some ladies preferably to join and enjoy my bf... you will just LOVE his juicy, thick, LONG~N~STRAIGHT, perfectly mushroom shaped head cock of his!!!! So if you're interested... Cum and join the LOADS of fun you could be having ALL NIGHT LONG!! OH sexy singles. That would be those of you who are willing to get together with no worries at all for a fun FILLED, good FUKIN, great ass load of all the poundin' you can enjoy!!!

hey Guys.

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