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September 23, 2004 at 03:55:35 Comments:. Swinging couples, couples ads, couples looking for sex, couples looking for men, female looking for coople .
The list below is a subset of the sexy singles in East claridon area.

Single girl, 32, from the OH area.
I am an outgoing person who likes to be treated right but who doesn't. I am down to earth and very open minded. I enjoy being around my family and am very close to them. I am a spontaneous person and like doing several different things I will try anything once Ohio sex. my dream date is going on a night walk under the moonlit sky just being with the one who i care about and having him feel the same way i like to make my guy feel good about himself and good about me too i love being in a nice clean atmosphere thats always nice

I want to meet someone close to my own age.

25 year old Couple located in East claridon OH.
fun,fun,sexy men who are nice looking and like to show off, well hung is good and not to be afraid of who you are or with East claridon sex dating. nice looking, sexy, likes to show off, well hung and likes to have a good time fun,fun,sexy men who are nice looking and like to show off, well hung is good and not to be afraid of who you are or with. Also if you like to show off in sexy underware etc.

i want a guy with a nice smile and a nice body.

Sexy local female, 29, from the US OH.
We have a very committed relationship but looking to add some extra spice to our life. We are a couple (male & female) looking for some added excitement and fun. Just about anything goes; male-female; males; females; groups; etc. We are both bi . We want males or females with little or no inhibitions that love to have fun. Life is meant to be fun and to live to the fullest.

anyone sane and very much addicted to sex.

21 year old Couple located in OH area.
I'm a young female who knows what she wants. I'm a thick girl and I need a man knows what to do with a thick girl. I'm into anything. I enjoy going to the beach, travling, listening to music, writing poetry, taking walks on the sand. As you can, see I love everything. I'm Open to do anything. I have a wild side that that guys can't resist. It turns them on quick. Like I said, I like a guy who can handle a thick sista and is not scared. I don't want a boy. I want a man. If you think you can handle it, let me know East claridon sex dating. My ideal match is a man who can a thick sista. Tall handsome guy, smart, sweet, kind. Someone who's height is between 5'4 and 6'6. I like a guy who has brown eyes or blue eyes. I like someone who has muscules and a great smile.

My ideal match has a wicked sense of humor.

Sexy local female, 32, who lives near East claridon Ohio state.
m a 25 year old business student. Busy mostly but when free I like to have a fun time. I like to taken out and treated
well. I consider myself sexually insatiable and am looking to be satisfied. I love men but enjoy women even more. I am
looking for the real thing and so would be interested in people around my area. I do travel to houston and chicago
and New Orleans a lot and wouldn't mind meeting up with people there too . I'm extremely selective - this is about quality, not quantity. I'm here primarily to explore women, couples and make friends. I'm keeping my eyes open for my naughty prince charming on the way.

must be as i am drug and disease free.

Lonely woman, 30, living in East claridon.
Im creative, open-minded, sweet, and I know what I want out of life. Im a quiet, yet opinionated person. I love watching basketball,football, and baseball.
. I am looking for a man that has a great sense of humor and witty. Can you make me laugh? I need someone with athletic ability. It is the quality of life I am in pursuit of, not a muscle head. I would perfer someone that is educated because after the looks go hopefully we will have the mind..

down to earth person.

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