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Lonely woman, 22, living in Leipsic.
My husband and I are looking for no strings attached threesome. We have healthy sexual appetites and are looking to expand our sexual encoounters. Me I am looking for a good fuck, who isn't. My husband is looking for the same, but would also like to see me in some girl on girl action. Which I will be happy to ablige:). We do just about anything and are open to just about anything. We like to please and like to be pleased. My husband is a genious with his tongue and hands and has a thick cock. Me , I am a large breasted girl. and yes I use that to my advantage. I also keep my shit trimmed and love to scream and moan. Fuck me hard or soft I don't care. Girl on girl is alright with me especially because I know it will really please my man Ohio sex. If you are healthy, love sex, CLEAN, and up for whatever you are a match. Girls the only thing I can tell you is my husband likes big breasts but also likes asses. Guys I like big cocks and ryou have to know what to do with your hands and tongue. Its not all about your dick. If you have a good sexual appetite and like to please and be pleased lets make this a match.

I want a down to earth individual.

Single girl, 29, from the OH area.
Well what can i say. I am a nice lady, that knows how to treat a man, and also I am pretty. I like to dress nice and look nice. I like to do different things like going to the movies, out to dinner, a candlelite dinner, ride on motorcycles, be romanced as I will romance him. I am not into drugs of anykind and want the same in return. I am not a lazy woman at all. Want to know more then you will have to contact me Leipsic sex dating. I would like to meet a nice man, that knows how to treat a woman as he would want to be treated in return. He does not do drugs of any kind. must not like to argue cause I hate to argue. Yes I know that no-one is perfect but I would rather sit down and talk about it. I like a nice looking man that can dress nice. When it comes to sex I am down for it and love it, I can tell you more when we talk. Kisses

I am not looking for a relationship.

21 year old Couple located in Leipsic OH.

My Ideal person is myself.

Sexy local female, 25, from the US OH.
My friends tell me it's a midlife crisis, but I think it's because I am so horny. I need some dick.
Leipsic sex dating. I am searching for a sexy, experienced man that is desiring good sex as much as me. And believe me, that's a lot.

Need to be broken in I guess.

30 year old Couple located in OH area.
I am ready to do whatever it is you want to do as long as it does not involve pain. any thing else that you would like to know about me just ask . Horny, Hansome, With a long Sex drive and 7'' or more someone who like to have a good time in and out of bed and is up to pleasing and being pleased

Very tall well built man, with long hair.

Sexy local female, 20, who lives near Leipsic Ohio state.
May be 53, but believe me I ain't dead yet. Have the mind, soul, and body of a 35 year old. Have long red hair and brown eyes. A little hippy at 180#, but, hey, what's not to like about that? More to hold on to! My varied interests will arouse your curiosity and hold your attention. I will be treated like a lady or no need to reply. I am college educated and have spent some time behind bars....as a co-therapist in a maximum security prison for men, that is. So you might as well be honest, because believe me, I have heard them all. I am kinky, but will be treated with respect OH sexy singles. My mate should be 100%, true-born male. I want no surprises into the relationship. He must be clean and sober, college educated, debt free, and above all, intelligent. He must not be afraid to let loose of his wallet, for I am a high maintenance lady. Don't be afraid to share your emotions or your cock. You better like taking the upper hand with a woman in the sex department, because you will be in the lead. Outside the sex department, we will present ourselves as Mr. and Ms. Normal Next Door.

I am looking for a guy that is not a player.

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