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I'd like to find someone who is willing to share life with me while nurturing and bringing out the passion that is always bubbling just beneath my shy demeanor. I enjoy the outdoors, travel, books, theater, music, movies, and good friends. I am a warm caring and sexual person who is curious about pursuing a relationship with an attractive and well kept woman or man. I've never endulged in my secret and awakening desire to be with a woman, but I remain hopefull . I AM LOOKING FOR A MAN THAT IS AND KNOW HOW TO MAKE ME FEEL WHEN IT COMES TO THE OTHER SIDE OF ME.I AM LOOKING FOR A MAN THAT CAN SHOW ME A WILD AND HOT TIME.I AM LOOKING FOR A MAN THAT KNOW HOW TO TREAT A LADY.THAT KNOW WHAT UP...

My ideal match would be a nice body, any race.

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Im a very honest and sexy female. Im into kinky things and always looking for new ways to be pleased or to please my partner. I like the submissive role but have been wondering what the dom role would be like. Im into anything and for the most part anytime. I practice safe sex and I am drug free. Please be the same. Thanks! xoxoxo OH sexy singles. Im looking for a man that can give me a ride that I've been needing for quite some time now. I want someone who is open to try new things or even teach me what he knows. I would like an honest man that will give me what I want.

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Sexy local female, 32, who lives near Reynoldsburg Ohio state.
I am a super passionate 27 year old from the Bahamas. I love to hang with funs, listen to music,especially dance. MY big brown eyes and lovely smiles never fails to delight. If natural curves are to your liking I am sure to please.
Take a chance you won't be sorry. Don't miss out on the pebbles experience Reynoldsburg sex dating. I am seeking someone,good nature,down to earth,with a good sense of humor. Communication is really important in friendship as well as lovers. I get a lot of attention whereever I go, I need someone who is not insecure. I give respect and expect the same in return.


Lonely woman, 34, living in Reynoldsburg.
I'm not here to play around on the computer. I want hot sweaty sex and I want it as soon as possible. I'm married and not getting any so please don't ask for a comitment. I don't do phone sex or cyber so don't even ask. If you want to get down with me be prepared to meet IRL . : A man that I find attractive who knows what to do with his dick. You've seen the important part of my anatomy and I expect a pic in return. The pic doesn't have to be nude. Face pics are preferd. I like men between 25 to 40, dark hair, with an ego thats in check.

I am seeking a caucasian gentleman in his 50's.

Single girl, 32, from the OH area.
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