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Lonely woman, 31, living in Quaker city.
I am not sure what I am looking for, but I am open for suggestions. I am easy going and love to enjoy life. I am 24 and I work full time in Retail as a manager. OK well I will add more later but if this was enough to atleast make you a little bit curious. Email me and i will respond with a pic and a note or what ever you want Ohio sex. A smart man with a good heart and a hot personality. I want someone who will respect me in the morning but not hold me to something committed before I am ready.

A hot handsome man to sweep me off my feet.

Single girl, 21, from the OH area.
I am a very experienced woman. I haven't been with a lot of people, but a lot of times with a couple of people. I love every type of sex. I love anal and oral . I need a dick in my pussy or I think I am going to lose my mind. If you can help get back to me and we'll have some fun.

I am looking for just that.

23 year old Couple located in Quaker city OH.
I'm hoping to meet someone who will become a great friend and possibly grow into something more meaningful in the future. My sensitive and sympathetic nature draws others to my company in their time of need, and I'm also usually the quick wit at parties who's making people laugh. So I'm definitely not a wallflower. I like to go out dancing (into salsa and am taking belly dancing classes right now), and do yoga and lift weights on occasion. I also love to read and watch movies. I hope that I meet someone who is as diverse as myself...I have lots of tastes and can find something fun in the smallest of activities fuck.

I'm looking for a guy to have fun with.

Sexy local female, 25, from the US OH.
Just like to play hard while I can. Love to have husband take photos and video with no head or facial shots. We dont like to waste time on no show's and chicken shits. Be for real or leave us the fuck alone OH sexy singles.

Someone who is sexy.

25 year old Couple located in OH area.
I am a quiet, shy lady who would like to meet someone who is adventurous. I like to do outdoor type activities. I also like to spend quality time with that special someone. Love going to dinner and having fun and being a little naughty . outgoing a lil would b nice..if not i'll break ya in lol. Half way decent looking is another plus..(but not a main issue with me)I'd much rather be with a sweet, outgoing, funloving type of person over a gorgeous snobbish, think there all that type ..lol Someone not afraid to take a chance here n there to make ya feeel aliveee..an oh yea someone not as old as my dad lol

I am looking to make new friends.

Sexy local female, 33, who lives near Quaker city Ohio state.
I am a college student currently working on my BA in communications. I love to go clubbing and bar hopping all night long. I spend most days and weekend kicking it on the beach. Quite nights at home are also welcome, just to relax and watch a video or whatever. I am pretty independent and like to do things my way alot of the time. I am very sexually active and love to explore new things when it comes to pleasures of the flesh. Very open-minded and daring fuck. I have a very high sex drive and although I don't always have time in my life for anything more every girl has needs and well those needs need to be satisfied so if you fancy a little fun.. one night, long or short term casual relationship,then contact me

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