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Swinging couples usually make rules to protect their relationships. Some swing only as a couple at parties, some swing separately at parties, .
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I am a fun loving person that likes all kinds of adventures. Messenge me if you would like to get wild with me, maybe nothing will come of it or maybe something will, but if nothing does we can say we still had fun Ohio sex.

I like guys who can stand on there own 2 feet.

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I am a easy going person whol likes to have all kinds of fun. I am honest and friendly. I enjoy laughing and having a good time Forest sex dating. I am looking for someone who is easy going and likes to have fun. He has to have a pretty good sense of humor.

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im 20 years old female who lives in manchester new hampshire. I'm 5 11, 138 lbs, baby blue eyes, and dark brown hair fuck. just looking for a friend some one who i can talk to about my age. JUST A GOOD FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Would love to meet.

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