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Lonely woman, 23, living in Maumee.
I'm outgoing, independent, adventurous type of woman I know what I want in life. I like to have a good time, go clubbing, mudd riding, horse back riding, and if you wanna know more holla at me . I want a man who has a good sense of humor, a great personality, and someone who likes to have alot of fun. Looks are not important as long as you have a great personality and a good sense of humor you will catch my attention.


Single girl, 24, from the OH area.
Hello, I'm a fine girl from Baton-Rouge, I talk a really bad french lmao. I like dancing, go drink in club, at beach and have a lot of fun with my friends. I want to study law or become an actress. If you want to know more, just ask ^^ OH sexy singles. Hummm my ideal match :) I want a beautyful man with LONG hair , small romantic eyes (Like Elvis) someone that want a serious relationship. A romantic guy with a soft voice. But...if you are an Elvis twin call me ^^ lol. (I love him.)

My ideal match is someone who enjoys having fun.

32 year old Couple located in Maumee OH.
im a well rounded fun loving person i love to play pool hang out with friends i love to cook write poetry camping fishing im good listner im not into head games.i love to give and receive massage i like to make people laugh i like all kinda music i love romantic movies i love seafood moon lite walks on the beach with that special someone. i love to cuddlei like to play games online i love to surf web... i help with the homeless in my town i worked with the val. fire dept.so if you wanna know more just email me and ask. fuck. i say a person thats not into head games one that dont mind started out as friends work up from there one that like to have fun one thats not afraid to show his true inner most feelings.if he has a few small tattoes thats ok also if he has shoulder lenght hairs is ok long as its neat i dont judge people by there outer looks but inner beauty if your interrest men please reply i will answer and also over 21 can reply

My fantasy would be to be with two guys.

Sexy local female, 29, from the US OH.
I am a married woman in search of discrete sex with men. I am also interested in sex with other married men while the wife watches Maumee sex dating. My ideal match is a man between the ages of 30 and 50. I love hairy men, so hairy chests, back, and facial hair is plus.


23 year old Couple located in OH area.
I am married but usually am forgotten about, so it's time for some fun. I am pretty open minded about things. Liberal minded sexually. Not a perfect 10 body wise, but who is. Bisexual . Someone open, HONEST, discreet. Adventerous. Kinky! That is always fun and that's the point of this right :)

A person who is d/d free.

Sexy local female, 29, who lives near Maumee Ohio state.
I am 49 years old, 5'3' 110, petite, tanned, married and intends on staying that way. Just not a happy camper at home . Looking for a guy that is honest, handsome, well built, between the ages of 28-38. If you are a cop you could help me in fulfilling my wildest fantasy. Please guys have a face pic available with your replies. Discretion is a must!

He or she has to be open-minded and love sex.

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