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Single girl, 25, from the OH area.
I have been with iwantu for some time now. I like coming into chats to talk with the people i have become friendly with. It is a nice place to chat and the people are great! Its all about the fun and enjoyment i get out of it at this time! i would love to meet that special some one and fall in love again Ohio sex. my ideal match would have a great sense of humor, enjoy the outdoors, love to hold hands when we are together. enjoy the sunshine, friends dinner parties. he would also need to enjoy the cuddle in bed mornings , cuddle on the couch evenings, and afternoon would be great sometimes as well . someone who is honest and sincere.


33 year old Couple located in Fort loramie OH.
I am an asian shemale, 25, college student, bisexual. I want an understanding guy, girl or couple for sex and friendship. You can come to my place or I can travel to you OH sexy singles. If you are nice, honest and understand that I am a TS and want to be treated like a girl, then you are idea for me.

My ideal match would be a nice body, any race.

Sexy local female, 24, from the US OH.
I am a bbw and looking for men, women, couples who find ladies like myself sexy. I am bisexual, tattoos, 39, love anal and oral in any order. I can accomodate or travel fuck. A man, woman, or couple who thinks I am sexy and would like to come to my place, or have me come to them, for hard n dirty fucking fun.

You shouldn't want a girlfriend.

20 year old Couple located in OH area.
Im a very open-minded, blunt person. I love sex and every different twist, position, and toy that comes with it. Im an ex-dancer and willing to endure in a discreet relationship, no strings attached. Favorite bedroom activities: role playing, performing erotic dances, and my favorite of all...giving head. Please contact me asap if your interested .

A freind with benefits.

Sexy local female, 26, who lives near Fort loramie Ohio state.
Live Juicy Means: Rolling down a bright grassy hill, sleeping all day to stay in a dream, definitely taking your shoes off at the beach, buying flowers that make you gasp. This along with Ben and Jerry's motto 'If it's not fun why do it' are the core philosophies that help shape my life. I am a professional woman who refuses to let the shackles of corporate America drag me down. I fully enjoy my work and am lucky enough to do most of it from home. The rest of the time I enjoy cross country skiing across an amazing lake across from my house, having a sticky rice dinner with my friends, catching a show in Portsmouth or Boston, watching continual tapes of the Simpson's, reading... well anything with quality (and even sometimes that's not a request), and random road trips .


Lonely woman, 25, living in Fort loramie.
I am a sexy blonde who loves bicurious and bisexual men and is seeking them to jion me in threesomes and moresomes with my hot, young bisexual male friends.

I am an administrative assistant for an IT firm fulltime and I do some erotic modelling on the side. I am into working out, music, movies, trying new things/going new place, philosophy, poetry, computers, sports, travelling and romance. I am looking for bicurious or bisexual guys for erotic play and I am also open to more if we should hit it off Ohio sex. They MUST be fit, handsome, non hairy and have exceptional personal hygiene. I seek guys who are extremely open-minded, sincere and sexy.

I am seeking a caucasian gentleman in his 50's.

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