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To many couples, the lifestyle and the clubs can be at least as much a (ie potentially those swinging couples who had stronger relationships would be .
The list below is a subset of the sexy singles in Shreve area.

Lonely woman, 27, living in Shreve.
im just looking to get in to a new life style after a long 2 year realtion ship... and maybe if he comes back in my life he can join Shreve sex dating. the ideal match would be a clean and discreat female-male couple. looking most for a dark one night stand after speaking for a while and setting bounderys

Ideal Person: I am looking for NO DRAMA.

Single girl, 22, from the OH area.
i just moved here by myself, and i don't really know anyone yet. i'm a little shy when you first meet me, but that will change once we start fooling around. i'm probably too busy to start anything serious, but if you are interested in just having sex and fooling around we should hook up fuck. I want someone who is respectful, loving, good sense of humor. I want someone who knows what they wont after life and is not afraid of getting it.

Ask me and we will talk.

30 year old Couple located in Shreve OH.
My friends would say I am a good listener and I think I am good at making people laugh, especially when they are feeling down. I work in education and I am passionate about my job. I am very close to my family (including my dog) fuck. Someone who has some of the same interests as me, but also can show me a few new tricks. I like my mate to be open minded and be willing to compromise.

Not sure just yet.

Sexy local female, 24, from the US OH.
I am independent, intelligent, and open minded woman. I would rather read a book than watch TV. I like to dress up and go dancing with my friends. I like ice skating, but haven't done it for a long time Ohio sex. Someone with quick wit loves to travel knows when to pay attention to me and also knows when to leave me alone, as well loves to have a good time and makes the best out of the bad ones

For females.

24 year old Couple located in OH area.
I am a bit eccentric, but have a warm heart and a healthy curiosity about others. Some folks say that I am fun, passionate, and a smarty pants, but others haven't met me yet, ha ha. I do generally think my own jokes are hysterical, but there is a good chance that I'll think your's are too. I enjoy life--good food, good books, great company, and I would expect those I hang out with to do the same OH sexy singles. I would love to find a man that is on the same page as me. That knows how to let loose and can forget about formalities for awhile. Let's just have some fun and enjoy ourselves for now!

Looking for someone that likes a wild woman.

Sexy local female, 34, who lives near Shreve Ohio state.
Not really sure what to put here. Kinda new at this. Anyways, I am looking for a guy who shares the same interests as me and is looking for a friendship first. Just got out of a serious relationship so Im looking for someone to hang out with for a bit before jumping into anything. I am very outgoing and love outdoor activities, snowmobiling fourwheeling, racing, etc... Let me know if you are interested . I kinda covered it above... but this has to be 100 characters so im just going to type nothing to fill it in :D

Hot like me!

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