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29 year old Couple located in OH area.
easy going girl looking for someone to laugh with. I'll try anything once and i may enjoy it if its with the right person Ohio sex. tall dark and handsome. Light colored eyes a plus. Tall and strong so you can keep me safe. Some one who doesnt mind taking a chance.

A person who is d/d free.

Sexy local female, 25, who lives near Grove city Ohio state.
very indepentant, spontianious, romantic all around lovable woman who is not into games and men who think women are object so please dont waste my time fuck. an honest, loyal, trustworthy man who will not play or try any games. Also someone who can handle an independant woman and if that someone is u then lets go for it.

He or she has to be open-minded and love sex.

Lonely woman, 25, living in Grove city.
i'm not really sure what to say here, i'm not that good at talking about myself. generally, i'm an outgoing person and i'm really laid back. i like to stay in shape, so i'm very into playing sports. i also watch sports a lot too. if theres anything you want to know, feel free to ask, i'm very open Grove city sex dating. i'm still kind of young so i'm not sure what my ideal match is yet. i tend to like darker hair more. being in shape is very important also. i find lips to be the sexiest part of a face/body, so if you have nice lips thats a definate plus


Single girl, 24, from the OH area.
we are a married couple secure in our relationship and we are very friendly and outgoing we love to party and meet new people if this sounds good to you give us a shout and we can go from there fuck. another couple looking for similiar things or single guy or girl to meet and get to know each other first and see how things go we are new to the scene so we may need some guidance

My ideal match is someone who enjoys having fun.

29 year old Couple located in Grove city OH.
well...i guess i'll find my soulmate on here...ama a girl of self esteem i want to be loved and want to love aswell...want to care and to be cared for....pple tell me am humble and respecful but i think that will be determined by U.....note that am originaly from the state but am presently in africa....if u wish to know me better and u feel ur intrested pls just contact me ok.
. some one who is ready to love and to be loved.....some one who cares and who is ready to be cared for...honest and sincere at heart,loving and trustworthy aswell.who will love me for who i am...

My fantasy would be to be with two guys.

Sexy local female, 31, from the US OH.
Well, where do I begin? Well first I'm 45, sexy, been told down right gorgeous(not bragging but true)I'm not a woman to beat around the bush so here goes.
I love to be spoiled rotten, and I am looking for a man that can do just that.I love to travel,and have been quite a few places.Bahamas is my absolute favorite place to go. I love the beach, and I love walking it in the moonlight.So if you think you have what it takes to spoil me, drop me a line. It may be to your advantage.But let me also say I love to spoil too. My man is my primary focus in life, who ever that will be.So just don't think its a one sided deal here, Ciao . My wants are very simple and to the point.I'm looking for one who is SEXY, witty, loving, passionate, generous, giving. loyal, honest. SEXY,
loves to cuddle, or just take a long walk to no where,dropdead handsome, and did i mention SEXY? lol Well we can never have too much of that now can we lol? And being financialy secure is a big plus. So if you meet all these, by all means please let me know. I'm anxiously awaiting your responce


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