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Im really outgoing. I love to dance. Everyone loves me. I can make anyone smile when thery r mad or sad. the way i see it is that if people dont like me for me then they can just bug off. If people dont like the way i look then dont look at me or the way i act then dont talk to me . I want a man who is a good dancer and loves sports. I love football and basketball. He has to make me laugh and smile. I would like him to be athletic and love to workout i love to workout. He has to have a great personality. He has to be able to take a joke and know some jokes. i love a guy who can make me laugh.

Since I really have no prefrance to anyone.

Lonely woman, 33, living in New bavaria.
looking for a man,woman or whoever to take me and use me to the fullest, i love sex in all forms, and am very creative. like it soft or rough, roleplaying is great. always ready to learn something new . a Dom or Domme, or any combo there of. i love the outdoors, motorcycleing, hikeing haveing sex in strange places....you name it, i will try it at least once, like my partner to be creative too, and able to take total control over me

The bigger, the better.

Single girl, 23, from the OH area.
A single mom NOT looking for a daddy for my girls BUT someone for me - who is looking for a reg. relationship PLUS great sex fuck. Someone who doesnt play games - who knows what he wants and knows how to plz me in & out of bed - Someone who wants to be PLZED in & out of bed !
White Guys ONLY 22 - 39 PLZ no one younger or older..

Looking for someone for fun times.

27 year old Couple located in New bavaria OH.
I am a stay-at-home mother of one. I am an avid reader and author(unpublished, for now). I am an educated and intelligent woman who enjoys listening to all kinds of music and dancing.
I am looking for an independent person(s)(male or female) for a real friendship, with benefits but a one-nighter, sometimes would be okay, too. :) . I want people in my life to be open-minded and compassionate. People who are secure with who they are and where their lives are going BUT most of all Someone who doesnt take "Life" too seriously.

I want a man that can keep up with me.

Sexy local female, 32, from the US OH.
i am a nice-looking lady looking for an exciting man!!!!i am looking 4 the kind of man who has the potential to totally break my heart and one who puts a spring back in my step.. Ohio sex. my ideal match is a young dude between24--37 years old--built fairly good--no geeks beautiful,silky long brown or blonde hair is a plus.a carpenter-type dude,or just a 100% bum would appeal to me. even a dude with a criminal past!!!!!

Would like someone who is professional .

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I'm a 42 year old married woman who is looking for a sexual relationship. No strings what so ever. I love being with woman and men. I will take couples too Ohio sex. My ideal match is someone or ones who love erotic fun with discretion. I am adventous. I will try just about anything once. My way of thinking is, if it feels good do it.

A man or woman who loves sex and can satisfy me.

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