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20 year old Couple located in Smithville OH.
I am a big gal, with alot of pent up sexual energy, I need to release some of it on some horny guy, fair warning though it's been about 6 yrs. since I last had sex, if you're up for the challange write me . a really hot sexy horny guy lookin to break me in... I have been without a long time and really need to get my freak on if you know what I mean, all i ask is that you meet me where i choose and carry protection for the encounter must be D and D no weirdos I have 4 body guards so if I dont want to do you then my guys will take care of the situation, if this doesnt scare you away by all means lets chat and maybe even well you get the picture.

Someone who is attractive and can make me laugh.

Sexy local female, 26, from the US OH.
I love to ride 4-wheelers,camping, and horses. I am divorced and have a son. I am not into head games, drunks or drugs. If you are keep going. I am a down to earth country girl. I like to go out as well as stay home, watch movies and grill. If you are interested drop me a line and I will tell you more fuck. Honest, loyal, faithfull, caring, fun and loveable. I want someone I can't live without. I want someone who is stable, has a full-time job, and a place to live. If you do not like kids keep going. My son and I are a package deal.

someone clean and who can teach me new things.

33 year old Couple located in OH area.
I am an outgoing person who likes to be treated right but who doesn't. I am down to earth and very open minded. I enjoy being around my family and am very close to them. I am a spontaneous person and like doing several different things I will try anything once OH sexy singles. Nice guy with fun and energetic personality. Someone who likes to go out and have a good time, or just enjoy sitting around chilling together. Have had my share of different personality's in past relationships, and really can't pin point my ideal man, cause I prefer enjoying and learning about the whole package.

Dominant, with a ton of sex appeal.

Sexy local female, 23, who lives near Smithville Ohio state.
I am a very honest, straight to the point person... If you don't want the truth then don't ask my opinion! I have a wide variesty of interests, will talk about anything that pops up, and a very open minded individual. I am very independent, strong willed, stubborn woman who isn't looking for a man to take care of me! I want to meet someone, be best friends with, and hopefully someday marry my best friend OH sexy singles. I would like to find someone that is fun to be with and that wants to be with me. Really I'm looking for someone who likes company and likes to have fun. I want someone who knows how a woman is supposed to be treated. Looking for a local man between 20-40 local to my area.

my ideal match .

Lonely woman, 28, living in Smithville.
first off.....if ur looking 4 a little girl...keep looking. never ask, just do it. have tried most everything from feathers to restraints. i have few rules...no choking and no watersports or scat. beyond that im open to most anything. if u feel ur up to the challenge hit me up OH sexy singles. not looking for a player....well passed the game playing years. reality and destiny to explore. Always room for walking with your head in the clouds, as long as your feet are planted firmly on the grounds of what is real.

have to give in once in a while.

Single girl, 32, from the OH area.
My name is Kayla. I am from mississppi and grew up to be old fashion. My men have to be attractive and funny. I dont like over sexual men. It is ok but not a all the time thing fuck. tall dark handsome and romantic. i do not want sex after the first date. i dont like rude guys. they have to be funny and goofy but needs to be smart and well educate or on his way to being educated. religion is a part of it. i am not too forceful on that but i do want him to know what he believes and to stand up for it.

someone into sex.

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