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The list below is a subset of the sexy singles in Maynard area.

31 year old Couple located in Maynard OH.
I am 5'3, strawberry-blond hair, green eyes,fair skin, and an hourglass figure. I love to make new friends and enjoy being outside, as well as inside. Going for walks, taking pictures, dancing, reading, gardening, arts and crafts, and listening to music.
I am very easy going and love to cuddle. If you are not into cuddling then I am not for you . A man that loves to explore new things and knows how to treat a woman right. He would love to spoil me, since I am a type that loves to spoil a man. I except the same in return. Kind hearted, funny, and enjoys me for me. Will not be possesive to a point where he is controlive. I need someone that loves tobe with me but doesn't make me feel like I am his 'property'.


Sexy local female, 24, from the US OH.
Petite and sweet, long blonde hair with sexy hazel eyes and a smile to match..to tempt you into a night of endless passion. Oral is my speciality and it must be yours, also. I have in my possession a 'bag of tricks' (sex toys) for more ultimate fun . You must love to perform foreplay (including, touching, sucking on nipples, playing with nipples.) Licking clit and sucking necture from my clit. You must love to be sucked on and love to have a woman on TOP! You must be somewhat attractive and at least a six inch penis.

hi, i looking for a hot guy with a big cock!

26 year old Couple located in OH area.
I'm bi, but looking for nice ladies to be with. I'm after a desctrete and wild relationship with a loving woman. You can
bring your husband or boyfriend as long as he is gentle and won't get jealous of the pleasure I can bring to your bed OH sexy singles. I'm looking for females and couples. NO single MALES, so please gents. I love this experiences, contact me !

a Dom or Domme, or any combo there of.

Sexy local female, 29, who lives near Maynard Ohio state.
out going and chef and playing to go to college after high school. like fishing , camping , writing , like cuddling and making out shopping an dlooking out lighthouses Ohio sex. my ideal match would be someone who like me for me, likes fishing cuddling and would mind having sex with me even though i'm a virgin, likes romantic candle light dinners and long walks under the moonlight

Looking for someone to show me new things.

Lonely woman, 29, living in Maynard.
I.m a very spontainous lady who loves fun,in and out of the bedroom!oral is my specialty,giving and reciving!I also love doggie style,toys,webcam play,just to name a few!out of the bedroom I enjoy oldies music,computers,dinning out,dancing,long walks,horror movies,meeting new people . I,m looking for men,35 and over who love bbw,a and men who only loved thin women untill they met me! real women have curves!! we bbw,s want all the things thin women can get sooo much easier and that is not fair at all but then,life is sometimes never fair!!!

Athletic, clean cut, smooth, and outgoing.

Single girl, 29, from the OH area.
Hi... Gorgeous, sexy, sensual... Tall, busty, blue-eyed brunette. Laid back, charming, witty and sincere Ohio sex. Seeking GENEROUS playmates for discreet sexy hot encounters. SPEND some quality erotic time with a BEAUTIFUL sexy woman ... indulge yourself... hav'nt you earned it!


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