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Sexy Frazeysburg singles, OH area. Find sex dating in Frazeysburg, Ohio!

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The list below is a subset of the sexy singles in Frazeysburg area.

Single girl, 26, from the OH area.
I am single parent of two kids.I have just realize I need a little more in my life. I want to find a partner or a friend to share our lives together.I like traveling,doing outside sports (swiming,fishing, hicking,riding bikes or horse,and spending time with my kids.)I am little over weight but I working on that Ohio sex. I like someone who likes to talk,and can express his feelings and most sexually fantsy.I want someone who can help me with my fantsies.I would like someone who likes there body,any shape or size it doesn't matter for me. I just want to enjoy my life a little more with someone.

I seek an upscale type not on a budget.

29 year old Couple located in Frazeysburg OH.
I would consider myself to be a fun loving - country girl at heart who is an ambitious, creative, sensual, sexual, playful, low maintenance, open minded, hard working, compassionate, intelligent, honest, goal oriented, quick witted, occassionaly goofy, spontanious, romantic, confident, attentive and occassionaly stubborn 34 year old 'lady'. I hope that you can understand what I mean by 'lady', because I really do expect to be treated like one. I in return will treat you as a King! :) I do have some very old fashioned ways of thinking, but please do not think that this keeps me from being very energetic, creative, spontanious and passionate in other areas ;). I can be very serious when necessary, however prefer to spend most of my time smiling and laughing....and always try to help others to achieve the same....lol. I am 5'8 with long lgt/med blond hair (middle of my back), blue eyes and a well proportioned, curvy body. You will see in the photo I had this crazy idea to go brunette at one point....didn't work. Being a brunette just did not fit my personality. So back to el natural' lol. If the other two are too dark to see, you should be able to lighten them by using your computers paint program - sorry poor lighting. I enjoy nice evenings by the fire, bubble baths for two, surprises just because, candles, soft/sensual fabrics, warm sand on your feet, warm and sensual scents that just make you want to........, quaint little get-aways, dancing in the rain, cuddling, fore and after play ;), just to name a few. I own and operate my own business and spend most of my free time working on improving myself - mind - body and soul. Maybe not all of these characteristics (mind/body/soul) at all times and maybe not all equally (I'm working on it)*smile*, but I do feel it is important for a person to try their best to be their best. Most importantly to love, respect and except ones self as the individual that you are. KSS~ T=) OH sexy singles. I am looking for a man who can keep me on my toes and grounded when necessary. Someone with a strong chest for me to rest my head on during a cold winter night (or any other time for that matter) lol. Someone with stamina and a creative mind who is also sensitive, compassionate, sensual, sexual, honest, loyal and confident in personality. A man who understands what it means to be a 'Gentleman' and how to treat me like a 'Lady'. He must have goals, be ambitious and know what he wants out of life and have the ingenuity and intelligence to take it. Confident, yet not cocky. If you need counseling or choose to get therapy through Mr. JD or Mr. Jimmie Bean.....please don't write.....I would not be interested and your time is more valuable then that. Someone with strong, perceptive hands and an athletic, average yet toned or broad shoulders with a muscular back type physique is ideal. A perfect greek god in muscle and form is not necessary, just a man that is built like a man......not a pre-teen boy or a couch potato. A truck and a goatee is also an added bonus.LOL=) The truck is not a necessity, but boy those goatees sure are sexy. MMM MMM MMM I'm just trying to be honest. I know what I want out of life and a potential partner/companion and am patient enough to wait for it. If you're one of those guys who thinks you'll never find someone that can keep up (in the bedroom also) give me a call. I can assure you I am up for the challenge. ;) I look forward to experiencing the special qualities that make you the extraordinary individual that you are. Remember........to the world you are one person, but to one person you just might be the world. KSS~ T =)

Highly sucessful Doctor, Lawyer or Executive.

Sexy local female, 33, from the US OH.
a 44 year old felmale not into head games, looking for passion that isn't in the marriage
a couple of tatoes, tounge rod
5ft 6, brown hair, eyes that change depending on my moods,
into long walks ,good conversation, cuddling , hand holding and affections
I love good music and dancing
I'm just a down home country gal ,no games
I am up front , and I say what I think even if it gets me into trouble. I tell it like it is !!!!!

no drugs . some one looking for friend, passion, no strings no games
soneone into music,quiet dances cuddling, good long talks and who isn't affraid to tell it like it is.
warm , passionate, not into drugs.

i want a part time relationship, no strings.

33 year old Couple located in OH area.
Hey there. I'm very sweet and a little shy when I first meet someone, but I tend to warm up a bit more the more I'm spoken to. I warm up even quicker when I know I'm about to get lucky. I'm more a sexual person by nature rather than an emotional one so I'm not really looking for a date or to hang out or anything. I'm just looking for a good lay. Just a simple, meet, exchange of hellos, go to a room or your house, whichever is comfortable, have us some sex, and I'll be on my way.

I've lately been very curious about trying out women. If anyone would like to teach me or be two newbies learning together, send me a message . Um...I really am just looking for a loose kind of guy. Nothing ideal really. Basically I'm looking for a friend I can call up when I need a lay or vise versa. I mean, one night stands are fun, but I would like some consistency. Sleeping around too much just isn't safe. =p


Sexy local female, 34, who lives near Frazeysburg Ohio state.
Real tall long black hair, exotic eyes,look younger than I really am. Loves to have fun loves to dance, loves muscians and music. My big turn on is a tall man with long dark hair Ohio sex. Very tall well built man, with long hair. He has to be very confident(very sexy trait),honest trust worthy,not afaird tobe affectionate. has an open mind, loves music, dancing, playing pool, and having fun. Likes animals and kids,and have asense of humor.

Someone that is fun loving and easy going.

Lonely woman, 23, living in Frazeysburg.
ME... Well I am laid back, chill type of person. I am honest, and I dont play any games. I also have no idea what type of relationship I am looking for because I figure you cant know how long you want to be with someone till you meet them.
I put a lot of time into my work because its important to me. I work in a hotel in the pastry dept, and like all people in the hospitality industry I like to have fun. I also know when there is a time to be serious... Anyways I am running out of information. If you have any questions just ask . You... Looking for someone who is sure of themselves, and has an idea of what they are seeking and where they want to be in life. Being able to laugh and be silly, but knowing there is a time to take things seriously. honesty is always a plus:)... Yea,.. just you be you.. and Thats what I like.

honesty is a must naturally.

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