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27 year old Couple located in New holland OH.
I am a outgoing person i work alot but i am getting back in then swing of dating, I enjoy horseback riding, i walk and rollar blading, I live in the country so natually i like the outdoors fuck. My dream mate would love to laugh and smile. He would love to try different things and be spontaneous. He would love to go dancing and be an outdoors type, but know when to stay in bed all day and be together. He would have no problem showing affection in public.

I took care of my husband until his final day.

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I am a girl who loves to have fun and can have fun in almost any situation...I don't require a lot of anything just some love....Give me a nice evening with a guy I love and I am happy no matter where we are!! Ohio sex. The person that im looking for doesnt have to be perfect but just perfect enough for me. i want a guy who will listen to me. be there for me whenever i need him and some one that will care. is that too much to ask? i want a guy that i can hold in my arms and actually say that hes mine. not literally mine but you get the picture. i really want someone that will treat me like the princess that i really am. and i will do the same for my prince. i want someone that i can laugh with, cry with and have great memories with. i always goof around and having someone i like doing it with is just the greatest. if you think your the one for me, or want to give it a try, please dont hesitate to say hi. i promise ill give any guy a chance as long as hes nice, considerate and is not scared to be anything but himself.

I'll be direct and honest.

23 year old Couple located in OH area.
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A bi female.

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By character, I am an easy-going person with a good sense of humor. I am both very romantic and down-to-earth, broad-minded, open to discovering new things in life and enjoying life as it is but at the same time I have traditional family values and of course wish to create a family of my own in the near future. I am affectionate, sexy and loving woman Ohio sex. I want someone that is outgoing, someone that is not afraid to fall in love! Someone that wont lie or cheat! People say im high maintnance but I dont think I am. I am not a gold digger but at least want someone that can take me to dinner and not break down on the way there!

Someone open, HONEST, discreet.

Lonely woman, 28, living in New holland.
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i like big guys but i'm open to almost anything.

Single girl, 25, from the OH area.
I'm not actually very versitile with adjectives in self reference, however, I'll try. I have a very strange sense of humor that usually makes other people scratch their heads and wonder, once they get to know me, I'm one of the best friends they've ever had . I am looking for a guy who is fun to be around, athletic, funny, easy to talk to, sincere, confident but not conceeded, likes to travel. Someone who can go out and have a good time but can also stay in sometimes and relax.

I'm looking for females and couples.

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