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30 year old Couple located in OH area.
I have a truckers mouth that I try to control and am still trying to find what makes me truly happy! I love my friends and family and think it's time for me.I am a college graduate still trying to find out what makes me happy so for now doing what pays the bills . have to give in once in a while. need to still use your manners. have to like to go places, sometimes on the spur of the moment.

You must be D/D free & very clean.

Sexy local female, 23, who lives near Cadiz Ohio state.
what little girls are made of, fortunately I am not a little girl, but a smart, sexy, funny, and unique woman. I have a variety of interests, which can range from walks in the park, to riding huge and scary roller coasters, to listening to good music at an outdoor venue. I'm a voracious reader who enjoys mysteries, philsophy, poetry, and vampires. I also am a huge music-lover whose tastes range from Korn and Disturbed to Enya and Luther Vandross. I am always up for trying new things and going to new places. Did I also mention I have blue toenails at the moment? :) I like to go out and have fun, but I also enjoy those quiet nights at home cuddled up w/ that someone special. My friends would say that I am a very genuine and sincere person, but considering they're biased you would need to decide that for yourself. There is definately more to me than meets the eye, but the only way you'll find out is if you take the time and get to know me. So why don't you give it a shot? You might like it . Dependable, respectful, confident, determined, adventures, spiritual, patient, intelligent or has a lot of common sense, giving lover, companion-friend-confidant not too serious.

i'm not too picky.

Lonely woman, 23, living in Cadiz.

I am really interested in experimenting more.

Single girl, 24, from the OH area.
I am very out goin. I love goin and haven fun anywhere i go i make it fun. I am not shy bout my sex life. I am easy to get along with. I am into sports and doin alot of outdoors stuff unless its in the room. I know youll like me and i am very picky bout who i hang with or talk to so if i dont like you i will not talk to you Ohio sex. i would like someone who is lookin for fun and not a seriouse relationship. Who is not shy bout anything. Out going and fun. Has to know how to work it good. He has to be buff not fat. Have a big dick and likes to have sex alot. If you are a girl you have to know how to work your tongue and have big boobs and like to be freaky.

Would be some one that likes have fun.

26 year old Couple located in Cadiz OH.
40 female , brown hair brown eys, I am open minded and enjoy sex, looking to have a fantasy of mind come true and have group sex with 2 or more guys while my husband films it for me . average males who are open minded and are looking to have a good time with no strings attached with good sex drive and that are not bashful around other people

Taller than me.

Sexy local female, 22, from the US OH.
I am 25 years old. Divorced and I have a 17 month old daughter. I am currently attending college. I love the outdoors from hunting, fishing, camping, to other things ;) and I like to drink, party, dance, play pool but I really hate doing those things alone. I am looking for a man CLOSE to my age.. age range from 25-39 years old. I am looking for someone that likes to do those things as well. I really am looking for friends and possibly more but if nothing but friends come out of it....that is fine. I just hate going out alone fuck. Hmmm... my ideal match...Someone who likes kids...cause I have one of my own. Someone who likes going out and having a good time as well as sitting at home cuddled up on the couch watching a good movie. Someone who likes me for me... not wanting to change me. And last but not least...someone who can be honest with me and if a relationship came out of this, someone who would be faithful to me. And someone within the 25-39 years old age range please.

i want you to be tall ready able and willing.

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