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Single girl, 32, from the OH area.
Hi I'm Bridgette Conway, I have a service that offers you a way to have that sexey get together or the kinky stuff you two do on video. this is safe and fun and something you can look back on for insperation someday.Its fairly priced and you are the boss. Its like being in a movie and a lot of naughty fun. I'm limmeted to Milwaukee and the srounding area but that makes it easer and more personal for you. set up a shoot soon. I also make my own videos that you can sponser,direct, and act in with me.Love Bridgette . I'm always looking for that hot guy or girl to be in my videos so if you think you have the guts and are good looking with some nerve lets talk


22 year old Couple located in Bristolville OH.
I ama smart girl looking for an equally intelligent man. I ma lutheran and want my guy to be lutheran or catholic. Religion is very important in my life. Family is also very important. A guy has to like my family and I to like his or be able to tolerate them. :) I want something serious-someone i can eventually marry Bristolville sex dating. Smart, cute, at least 5'10 or taller, lutheran or catholic, family is important, wants kids, semi buff or more

Don't really know.

Sexy local female, 29, from the US OH.
I am a 39 year old white female house wife who wants to have erotic sex with African American men. I want to be dominated by huge African American men Ohio sex. African American men with good build and well endowed with what I want. I need for my man to be dominate and demanding. I want my man to make me do all the things he wants.

Someone who will fuck the shit out of me.

23 year old Couple located in OH area.
I'm 5 foot 5 inches.... I weaigh 155lb's (thick not fat)..... mixed with Blk, Rican and White..... my hair color is originaly dark brown but it's blonde right now..... My eye's are softly slanted and they are dark brown..... I have a real good personality..... funny.... I have a boyfriend..... I do like girls.... I'm really on here just lookin for friends to chat with, maybe even kick it with. I don't go out much due to lack of friends... i have like 2 or 3, but i'm lookin for more Ohio sex. Some one who like's to have fun..... go out but not alot.... down to earth.... I don't like them shit starters, I don't wanna be some where and have to fight..... a good personality... some one not too serious..... pretty... when we go out I don't want to be the only cute one... no offence..... not fake, i hate fake people... be real about yo shit.....


Sexy local female, 32, who lives near Bristolville Ohio state.
im looking for anybody that is open for anything new and is just my type its hard to explain. im a very outgoin person i love being out door like camping and stuff like that except like fishing cuz i hate that. i love shopping but of course what gurl doesnt. i jsut hope that that special someone is out there somewhere Bristolville sex dating. loving, easy to talk to, somebody that doesnt care what i look like, and somebody that wont use me for my money!

Not sure of what I am looking for.

Lonely woman, 33, living in Bristolville.
I am young and looking for the right people in BED... I'm a lady out in public and a freak in bed.... I'm 21 and have much to learn...so all u older men and women out there come show me how it's done!! fuck. I like people who are comfortable with me. Would like to show me a good time out or in the bed. Someone who can take it slow and work me up to a wild animal. For me that would be perfect! I am open to new things...just show me how you want it!!:) I will not disapoint you!!!!

Someone who likes to be on the move.

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