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Lonely woman, 34, living in Brady lake.
I am very sexual and erotic. I love to please my man in any way possible. I love oral giving and recieving. I can go for hours with the right man and aim to please him any way he wants as long as he is gentle. I do like my breast squeezed and my ass slapped Brady lake sex dating. a man who likes to lick my kitty for long periods of time and enjoys giving massages and likes to snuggle up after sex. A man who enjoys satisfying his woman first before getting his pleasures. some one who likes to hold me in his arms all night and can make love more then once at a time. come check me out fellows and please me..make me purr for you..

I want him to be as honest and open as I am.

Single girl, 34, from the OH area.
We are an open minded, fun loving couple. She is 23, he's 19. Both college students. I work in the administrative field, he is a marine reservist. We also do private cam shows (solo or as a couple) . Seeking younger couple, single males or females who are bi/bicurious to try new things. Prefer those who are height/weight proportionate, but don't have to be Barbie or Ken. We would prefer those who are shaved or neatly trimmed.

Would like someone who is professional .

27 year old Couple located in Brady lake OH.

5'11' or taller not to big but not bone skinny.

Sexy local female, 23, from the US OH.
Hi Im Sherri.. Im 47 years old and single.. Im A SSBBW..Im 5ft6 with long black hair, big blue eyes.. I like to read, write poetry, cook, fish, listen to music, surf the internet, watch movies, candlelight dinners for two, slow lovemaking, slow dancing...Im fun loving, passionate, caring,giving, loving, romantic, sexual and sensual. OH sexy singles. Im looking for a man that is a good listerner... Has a great personality, and good sense of humor.. That is passionate,caring, loving, giving, sensual and sexual.. That will be my best friend,companion, lover and soulmate!!!

I love king RICHARD!

32 year old Couple located in OH area.
I'm one smart gal who loves to read non-fiction books,love thriller movies, nature and all wild things.I march to my own drummer. Have a wicked sence of humor. Also have a thing for faces and intelligent men OH sexy singles. Highly sucessful Doctor, Lawyer or Executive.EastIndian
p but not a must. Not overweight.It's your face that light my fires.After that it's up to you to keep the flame burning.

I want Cock =======> big long hard cock.

Sexy local female, 33, who lives near Brady lake Ohio state.
I am a honest straight forward woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go for it. I detest cybering, give me action not words. I want a man with a backbone, not afraid to stand up for himself and his beliefs. I am done with commitment, but i am not into one night stands. Anything else...ask me . i want a part time relationship, no strings. I am not into married, or separated men. My typical date is tall, dark, and handsome, but i have been known to date outside of my type. I have old fashioned values about being treated like a lady and respect. Honesty and communication are both very important to me.

My dream mate would love to laugh and smile.

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