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Sexy local female, 24, who lives near Green Ohio state.
Iam an older woman that is married and left alone for periods of time and I get a little........(you can guess) Like my description sez if you want a barbie doll your not gonna get it LOL I have meat to go with my potatoes. I am looking for a discret off and on thing protection is a must D/D free please b/c I am the same. So thats my story Hope to hear from you Ohio sex. I like guys with a nice build, nice grabbable hair or bald I think bald guys are hot too LOL They must be honest, and not stuck on themselves and not into the whole whats on the outside thing either it is what is on the inside that counts. I am tall so he must be tall also.

I obviously am not looking for a relationship.

Lonely woman, 34, living in Green.
I am very beautiful and have big boobs and a big booty. I am very nice and sweet. i have light brown eyes almost like a bronze shimmer Ohio sex. I am looking for a hot boyish girl or a hot abercrombie and fitch type of guy. i like my girls to be very dominate and seductive. I love my guys to be very athletic and out going

I am looking for someone to have fun with.

Single girl, 29, from the OH area.
Well don't know how to describe myself, so ya gotta go by my pics, Looking for descreet (eh) friend(s) No strings, and I know how to use everything I got..........care to find out . I love king RICHARD! lol, Sorta attached, but he's willing to give me room or make room for you!Did I mention I have sweet Lips, azz,(and use them well)so i was told " oh heck, I'm told I have allot., but I guess not enough, I'm on this site,right? Lol


28 year old Couple located in Green OH.
warm, witty and very trustworthy, I know the meaning of loyalty and I am very sensitive. I seek to be all that God wants me to be a good wife and mother...and pray to God to give me my own man who has my code and I his. Not so much I want as badly . Someone I can count on. A real man in every sense that counts. I want someone genuine, affectionate and witty.

discretion and pleasure.

Sexy local female, 33, from the US OH.
Hmmmmmmm.....describing myself always seems to be a hard task. I really feel like I am trying to find myself again, and am open to just about anything. Life has just so many different aspects to it...I just haven't found that one little niche for myself yet. I enjoy trying and experiencing new things!!:) . My ideal match is pretty easy to fill when you think about it. I am just looking for someone who is open, honest, and loving. I am loooking for someone who has the same "no bones about it" attitude that I have. Someone who is finding themselves, or knows exactly where they are....as long as they are themselves all the time.

Must be disease free!

26 year old Couple located in OH area.
bored with my current situation, i love to dress up but am just as comfortable in levi's and t-shirts. love country music. looking for discreet relationship, race unimportant. dd free not into s/m lets get together . also looking for a discreet relationship dd free also not into s/m or bondage. well intentioned gentlemen only need to answer,

Some one to have fun with.

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