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25 year old Couple located in OH area.
Well im 5'6 i have brown hair green eyes im have a nice tan i have my belly button pierced what im looking for is a person that will treat me right . Tall someone who will treat me right ECT.... someone who wont cheat or hit me looks arnt everything................

Someone who is not uptight and can be hisself.

Sexy local female, 21, who lives near Grand rapids Ohio state.
i am kinda shy till you get to know me.Love new adventures and the outdoors.Am fun loving and outgoing.Am open to pretty much anything.I'm not picky just looking for love. OH sexy singles. well i don't know what an ideal match would be except someone that shares alike intrests.Someone who is careing and has respect for women.

I want to find a soul mate.

Lonely woman, 29, living in Grand rapids.
We are a couple in early 30's looking for a first time experience with another man or men. She is 5'4", 100 lbs, thin with really nice ass. She prefers giving and recieving oral. He enjoys watching her perform and wants to take pictures of her with other men. We would like to explore role playing, sex in public places and some S/M. We are D/D free and very very discrete Grand rapids sex dating. We are looking for a clean, D/D free and very very discrete man or men. (We prefer married but will consider singles).Also a group of 2-3 men will get considered first! Race and age over 21 is not important, but a good personality and attidude is. We want someone who has a high sex drive, dominant but will also be patient with us on her first time. We will travel some but will not host. Must be discrete.

Someone who has similar interests.

Single girl, 26, from the OH area.
Hello, I'm Brandias!I take most things pretty serious in life. Have been though my up and downs. Life is full of so many things. I am really basically on here because every female has had her good realionships and some that are just hell. I am giving something else a chance the internet. Kinda person who is very independent. Doing everything for myself and going to school. One thing I love about myself is I tend to never give up. No matter what I do in life I dont'let nothing stop me from my dreams OH sexy singles. Ideal match is very simple and short. Best way to do is let whatever happens, happens. Only way to get the right person is let it happen.

I am ready to meet up with my best friend.

25 year old Couple located in Grand rapids OH.
Looking for someone to walk life's path with me and to enjoy all it has to offer, honesty required. I'm a happy person and alot of fun. I am very sensual and passionate. Been told I'm a great kisser and have a great sense of touch. Responses with photo will be answered first Ohio sex. Tall, dark, handsome, rich and hung....... is that to much to ask for? Looking for more than a one nighter.

My ideal person, or people.

Sexy local female, 27, from the US OH.
I am a single mother of two, a nurse, and a student getting my RN. I am hard working, and most people say that I am very pretty (I'll leave that up to you to decide) I really don't know what I am looing for, because this is pretty new to me. I would like to find someone to make me very happy, and that I can talk to about anything. I am game for anything at this point! ;-) . I would like my Ideal match to be honest, and not just want me for sex, don't get me wrong sex is good, but there is more to life than just sex! I would like them to have a big lollipop, so we could both enjoy each other!

I'm not too picky.

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