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Single girl, 31, from the OH area.
Just moved to Grand Island on Feb 1,2003.
I do not know anyone but decised to plant my roots here and raise my 3 kids.

I am looking for companionship, fun , friendship . honest opinionated fun must like kids, be humors
No Drugs, drink occasional ok.

I need no problems so if you have a wife or girl friend chasing you then no thanks.

Jusy lookin to meet have fun go out dance drink a little have a lil fun and excitement

looks arn't the most important factor.

32 year old Couple located in Fairpoint OH.
I'm a single, sexy woman looking for an older, more experienced man. I am very mature for my age and want a man who is mature also. I don't mean boring though - there is a huge difference! You can be mature and still have a lot of fun! OH sexy singles. I want someone who can take me out to a nice restaurant and then home for some earth shattering sex!!!!

somebody who wants to have fun and enjoys sex.

Sexy local female, 32, from the US OH.
As my title says: I want to play! I love sex and think about it ALL the time! I will try and help you fulfill your every fantasy (and hopefully you can help me with mine too)! . I want a partner(s) who is somewhat in the dominant role. I want to be told what to do and how to do it. I don't want a wimp. However, I'm not into major pain! Maybe a little here and there but nothing extreme.

strong, romatic, good looking, funny, and sweet.

30 year old Couple located in OH area.
I am a recently divorced 28 year old who is looking for some fun. I mellowed out while I was married but I am bored now. I am open to anything and love to try new things . My ideal match could be a guy who likes to do new things or a couple who are looking for fun. I am not looking for a serious relationship; just some fun!

I want a guy looking to have some fun.

Sexy local female, 29, who lives near Fairpoint Ohio state.
am a family-oriented woman who enjoys spending time with and entertaining my family. I love king crab legs and prime rib. I adore yellow roses. I am a good listener, very compassionate and sensual looking for a man that will romance his way into my bed Ohio sex. I am looking for somone that just wants to entertain with me and entertain m, in the bedroom and out!

Men, women, couples anyone.

Lonely woman, 32, living in Fairpoint.
I am a very quiet person until I get to know someone. I can be pretty adventurous. I like to try and learn new things. I like a good conversation or just a snuggle session. I like to read and write, poetry/shortstories. I enjoy all kinds of music and movies. I am 22. I am a college student, I am also a Resident Advisor at my college. I am an easy going person who gets along well with all kinds of people.
I am 5'4.
I am willing and ready to try new things and to explore. I love to give or recieve full body massages. I am a very imaginative and creative person. I also have an Extremely Dirty MIND . Someone with a sense of humor, someone who is confident in themselfs and enjoys all aspects of life. Someone who isn't afraid to be themselves. Someone who will like me for me and not some ideal. Someone who is not afraid to try new things, or to take control of a situation, as well as sometimes giving up that control.

A srong good loooking blackman.

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