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24 year old Couple located in Fairborn OH.
I am a very carefree, open-minded woman who enjoys many activities. I enjoy reading, music, long walks, romantic dinners, or just plain quality time. Of course, GREAT sex is a definate plus . In search of a man that knows how to have a good time in and out of the bedroom. Or whichever room we might be in at the time. No preference on marital status but discretion is definately a must.

discretion and pleasure.

Sexy local female, 33, from the US OH.
I am an ex cheerleader and I want to find someone other than boys! I just graduated and will start college soon fuck. I want Men! not boys! And women too, I like it any way I can get it. I am try-sexual, I will try anything at least once.

Must be disease free!

23 year old Couple located in OH area.
I just dont get online to read emails very much or chat because I get so frusterated with my slow internet connection which is at the most 26k.
I live in the country and until this new satellite company comes in and it is alot cheaper than maybe I can get a faster internet speed.

28 1/2 yrs.
I am 47 yrs old
5'6 125lbs
36c 26 37

grandmother of a 6 1/2 year old
3 adult children
married daughter 27
married son 24
single son 21

live in the country/ my internet speed is dinasour slow. They cant get anything out here faster.

Pursuing a BS in Information Technology
Diploma in PC Repair and Support
Cisco Networking Certificate
Networking Certificate

Right now taking 3 college courses and working

I dont get online much as I keep myself pretty busy.
I love to make goals and attain them

love to have fun
sexy and sensual Fairborn sex dating. I love romance and treated very special as I will treat him very special.
I want a man to tell me what he would do to me to sexually turn me on.
I want to be his dream of his desires. I like him to take control in pleasing me. I want him to be my fantasy.
Love playing fantasy lovers and enjoy sexy chatting.

Please write me a creative fantasy.
I love to read them

Some one to have fun with.

Sexy local female, 32, who lives near Fairborn Ohio state.
most of my friends would say i ave a easy going sonality.iam looking four is communication.honesty.loya of passion.tou must take pride in your self...beleive in god....the first thing i notice is the smile...so you had better be wearing one? . iam looking for a kind and careing man that likes to take it slow in a relationship.i like a man with some tattoos that a turn.

I obviously am not looking for a relationship.

Lonely woman, 22, living in Fairborn.
Most of my friends would say that I'm easy going and I'm always up for anything new! I love to have fun and meet new people . I want someone that just wants to have a good time and isn't looking for anything serious or long-term. I want someone that's up for new things.

I am looking for someone to have fun with.

Single girl, 29, from the OH area.
I can go anyway you want, all I want to do is have fun. I have a very lovely fiance and I love him but we need to add some things to our repetoir Ohio sex. WantU to be adventorous and give what i ask when i ask for it.All i need is to be punished by pleasure-torture. But u also need to know how to calm it down and give me any thing very sensetive-slow. Its like a work-out and then a cool down, I'll go right to sleep!


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