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Sexy local female, 28, who lives near Chandlersville Ohio state.
I'm a friendly, energetic, easygoing, compassionate woman.I am a long haired, blue-eyed blonde with fair skin who enjoys exercising daily. I love meeting new people and having a good time. I'm also a very professional . I'm looking to meet people with similar interests and who have something to bring to the table. I'm all about sharing what I've learned as well as learning something new ;-)

Men, women, couples anyone.

Lonely woman, 25, living in Chandlersville.
I am a young female who is enjoying her sexual urges. I am the kind of woman who keeps an open mind about things and likes to try new things. (you at least have to try it once to see if you will like it). I am an outgoing, fun and interesting person to get to know Chandlersville sex dating. I want a man who knows how to please a woman... a man who knows how to bring a woman to climax... and try three more times before he reaches his climax. I also like the kind of man who is willing to let me explore new things with him in semi-public places as well as in the bedroom. I like a man who is outgoing and has a good personality... if you can't make me laugh....you won't be going anywhere with me. :-)

A srong good loooking blackman.

Single girl, 21, from the OH area.
In a current relationship and bored. Do not want to be in it. Want excitement and good friends. Can be playful when provoked. Well educated and well-kept. My dread-locks add to my mystery Chandlersville sex dating. Playful, handsome and caring. Excellent job, can take care of business. Nothing like a sensual black man to loose yourself in amd must be at least six-feet tall, excellent shape, like men with sexy dread-locks.

looks arn't the most important factor.

32 year old Couple located in Chandlersville OH.
hi guys. i'm attractive and basically looking for short term encounters, but i am open to longer relationships if things are promising. Anyway, i'm outgoing, fun and like to try new things. You must be into oral, both giving and recieving ( I know, who isn't but i just had to mention it). That is about my only requirement hehe . Well i guess i kinda described what i'm looking for. I don't have alot of requirements, i just want to have a good time. If you're interested in the same thing then you can write.

somebody who wants to have fun and enjoys sex.

Sexy local female, 30, from the US OH.
Hey guys, I am a single white female seeking single males who love to be adventurous, wild, and intimate. I am looking for someone who can fufill all of my fantasies, and more. If you are up to the challenge, e-mail me Chandlersville sex dating. I am looking for a real nice good looking man, I love dark hair and lite eyes , but if you are what I like the eye color isn't a real big deal. A man that is taller than my self of course,with a body that is nice to look at and touch.That really knows how to please his woman without asking what she would like.Some one that is deep and sensual that can really turn me on with just that look.A well endowed man would be just perfect.I am not looking for a man that is way older than myself. A younger man is ok as long as he is mature.I like a man that takes pride in his appearence , but is not in love with himself.So if you think you are this man that I have been talking about , give it a try you never know!!

strong, romatic, good looking, funny, and sweet.

25 year old Couple located in OH area.
well i'm an open and honest girl with a wild side that is just waiting to be explored ;-) i'm not looking for anything serious, just someone to fool around with and then take it from there. if you like what you see and want to see waht we have in common, then drop me aline . i'm just looking for a laid back guy who wants to have fun and is into the physical part of a relationship without the emotional baggage. drop me a line if you're interested.

I want a guy looking to have some fun.

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