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30 year old Couple located in OH area.
Hey guys! I’m a young sexy grade school teacher downtown. I’m a little bored with the dating scene here and I just want to meet a man who can please me. No guys here seem to know what there doing in bed here. I’m fun and I love I like hitting the bars, but sometimes just getting into bed is all I really want. I need a stallion to please me Carrollton sex dating. Has to have a sense of humor! I love to laugh and that's one way to my heart. Also must be easy going, active and independent. Would like someone who can be a best friend and love of my life (obviously at a later point in time), someone to enjoy traveling, dining out, concerts, dacing, or even just a night at home watching a movie.

i'm looking for a nice guy and not a jerk.

Sexy local female, 34, who lives near Carrollton Ohio state.
I'm a female tomboy who likes to have fun. I'm Italian, Native American. Short dark brown hair, dark green eyes, cute small glasses. Love to hangout, watch movies, go for drives, sit in the hot tub, play my PS2, hangout with my 3 Westies Ohio sex. Love to find a guy who likes to have fun. I'm up for anything & & having fun anywere. As long as it's fun. Love a guy who likes to cuddle, play football, have fun. Thats what life is about having fun right?

wants a committed realationship.

Lonely woman, 28, living in Carrollton.
Im a singer songwriter producer rapper and clothin designer. I love to go out dancing playin sports, shoppin. Im not lookin but if i met someone then thats whats up . I would like a guy who wants to be something an is working towards his goals! No more bums please!! All the guys i pick seem to be one thats why im not lookin! Hey but if your the one dont be shy stop by

anyone who can make me cum like no other.

Single girl, 27, from the OH area.
Lost on my way ti my future. College student and also work retail. In Sept going to cosmotolgy school. I do not drink or do drugs. Tried then, they are not for me. I love to laugh, about stupid stuff. My life is random and that the way I like it fuck. You have to be a hotty!!!!!! And I need a picture!!!!!!! No prudes or mommy's boys. You have to know what your doing if you know what I mean.

I am not very picky.

28 year old Couple located in Carrollton OH.
Very submissive, very masochistic, love sex more than once a day. Attractive, good figure, obedient, passive . Very sadistic male, white, +30 to 55, looks unimportant, seeking a permanent sex slave to use and abuse at his pleasure.

I would like to meet a nice guy.

Sexy local female, 33, from the US OH.
my name is kate . i am 22years old i am fear in completion . i
am honest and truthful my favorite food rice i like playing
football and walching film. i am very tall girl in nature with a
sexy eyes and i am so romactive in appearance and i like raeding
novel and any other books i like dancing. i like going to nigt party
and other fun . i like to meet somebody who is honest and truthful . i will like to
a person who is nice and ok i will like to meet some body wo will
tell me more about love i will like to meet a guy who speaks
english. i am looking for a man who will take care of me.


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